Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Gearing Up

I'm having cinnamon tea and a half of a chocolate bar for breakfast.
But I'm allowed because I'm writing.
That's as good an excuse as I can come up with.

I have pages to write today.
Ideally, I would like to write the rest of this spec today
and rewrite tomorrow
and review on Friday.
That is my goal.
How I will put that goal into action is by
writing and writing and writing and writing.
Not thinking about the goal.
And let's see where I get to.

I'm going to try and write past my fear.
I'm going to write toward my goal.
I'm going to just write and forget about all of the other stuff
that wanders about my head.
And that can mean plenty of breaks.

I'm trying on the Galloway method* of marathon writing.
It's a write/break method.

* The Galloway method of marathon training is a run/walk ratio.  It makes sure that you don't tire yourself out and that you can keep going, since you know there's a break coming regularly.  It usually means that marathoners can improve their personal time since they're not running themselves into complete exhaustion.  It's worth a shot.

I am grateful for breaks.
I am grateful for writing.
I am grateful for having an office to work out of.
I am grateful for people in my life who are supportive.
I am grateful for the time to do what I need to do.

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