Wednesday, April 8, 2015

From My Meditation Journal: Definition of Success

I appreciate where I am now.
That's my definition of success.
If I can appreciate where I am in this moment,
then I can get the most of this moment.
If I worry about where I should be, or why I am not
somewhere else,
then I am somewhere else
and not here.
But I need to be here
in order to get everything
here has to offer.
It's like an Easter Egg Hunt.
I need to get all of the eggs in this area,
before I can move to the next area.
But if I'm worried about all the eggs I might be missing,
then I might leave too soon and miss out on the eggs
that were right in front of me.

I have no money.
I have no earnings.
I write every day.
I live in a state of awareness every day.
That is a bigger success than I have had ever.
One day I will have more money.
I will have earnings.
The success will be to stay in this state of awareness,
to make it a constant
despite having more distractions.
But having those distractions
are an essential part of having an even
deeper consciousness.
It's part of the journey.
It's part of my success.
So it's not a question of if I will have more money and material wealth and success.
It is a matter of when.
But it's not so others can notice how incredibly successful I am.
And it's not to prove that I'm better than them.
It's the next level of me getting to a deeper consciousness.

having money can be about any of those things.
It can be about showing off.
It can be about being in a state of deeper consciousness.
Wealth is going to happen anyway.
Distractions are going to happen anyway.
Good fortune is going to happen anyway.
But what I do with it
is entirely up to
where my consciousness is.
I don't have to chase it
because it is following me
and it will soon catch up with me.
The acknowledgment I have been seeking
will soon catch up with me.
But will my consciousness catch up with me
before the acknowledgement does?
Will I have the advantage of a deeper consciousness
before I have the advantage of deeper pockets?
That's success.

I am grateful for consciousness.
I am grateful that it has caught up with me.
I am grateful for meaning in my life.
I am grateful for my success.
I am grateful for the joy of my nephew.
I am grateful for the optimism of my niece.
I am grateful for the smiles of my other nephew.
I am grateful for family time.
I am grateful for the openness of my mother.
I am grateful for the forcefulness of my father.
I am grateful for patience of my brother.
I am grateful for the love of my friends.

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