Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Night I Met a Psychic at the Korean Spa

That would be tonight, actually.
I ended up striking up a conversation with a guy I found incredibly attractive, by the way, and who I completely connected with on an energy level. There was a lot to what happened, but I want to get to the things he said to me before I forget them.

We were talking in the hot tub - we stroke up a conversation checking each other out. And while it ultimately didn't go there, we had a great two hour conversation. In the middle of it, he mentioned to me that he was psychic.

And here's what he told me:

  • I'm going to be busier than I ever thought I would be.
  • I'm going to ultimately take a break from it--and pull back from doing so much--but by then I'll be financially stable enough to do so.
  • The pilot I'm writing right now is going to be successful and that's where this activity will be coming from - so I need to finish it.
  • I have a great community of writers around me and these people admire me. People who affirm me.
  • I'll be moving up to LA soon.
  • Ride the Wave.
And I'm sure he said other things that I wish I had remembered. But the overwhelming feeling I got from him is that I'm smart and I'm doing what I should be doing. I just need to keep going. This is what I'm meant to be doing. The interesting thing about psychic readings or tarot card readings is that they tell you a lot of what you already know or already feel. So they end up affirming you more than giving you new information. And that's how I felt when he finished telling me what he told me. I believe that I'm a bit ambivalent about how busy I am because I know this is going to be life changing - the momentum I'm feeling now.

I started out the evening feeling low and a bit lonely about my ex. He's playing a gig tonight not too far from me and a big part of me was hoping he'd invite me to come out. But he didn't. I called a good friend of mine who was actually going tonight. I needed to talk some stuff out. But I decided instead to go to the Korean Spa that I never go to. Something was compelling me to go.

Right when I got there, I saw this guy. Obviously, I thought he was cute. We were cruising each other big time. But then we started talking and struck up a nice conversation about Palm Springs, San Diego, New York, etc. So we left the steam room and went to go sit in the hot tub. We talked about Chef's Table on Netflix - we both have watched Season Two and got up to Episode Four. As I was talking to this guy - and I was feeling like we were connecting - I realized that this was the kind of guy I wanted to be in a relationship with. We ultimately got to the fact that he's married and has been with his husband for 24 years. He seemed very young to me, but he was right in an age range I kind of like. I thought he was closer to my age. And we were definitely vibing, that was clear from both of us. I felt like I got a gift from the Universe tonight. 

He's out there. It's not this guy. He's in an incredible relationship. But that model is out there for me. I remember going to my friend Bill's house in Sonoma a couple of years ago and I met a friend of my friend Thomas'. I completely clicked with this guy. I was in a relationship at the time. And I remember thinking that I needed to be with someone like that, not like the person I was dating - the ex I was obsessing over a few hours ago. That's the big knock on the head the Universe was giving me. Don't settle for your ex because you miss him. He's not the guy for you. This guy you spent two hours with talking to at the Spa who kept smiling at you and giving you a boner - well, he's not the guy for you either because he's taken. But someone's out there for you.

I don't think I'm ready right now. I'm about to be busier than I ever thought I would be. And it's going to be a great thing. Ultimately, I'll be moving up to LA. I'll get my life settled the way I want it and then things will fall into place. But not before that. I have to have my life the way I want it first.

I can't emphasize enough what a great big gift this was. I needed that affirmation. And it comes on the eve of this pitch, which is a part of how busy I am going to be. There has been a lot of self-doubt lately - maybe because I realize that I am on the precipice of something big and daunting. I feel it. So I'm bracing myself. But I should consider myself braced, fortified and ready.

It's time.

He also said that he imagines that I'm a good teacher. That means a lot to me. It's something I take pride in for sure. That was $20 at the spa well spent. I'm glad I trusted the voice that told me to go there.

I am grateful to make a new connection.
I am grateful to connect with other open minded people.
I am grateful that the Universe is conspiring.
I am grateful that he looked so cute - he really was handsome.
I am grateful for the message he passed on to me.

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