Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Manifest Destiny

This new moon in Aquarius is supposed to be really important, especially since that's my sign. During these first ten days, I'm supposed to focus on the things I want for the rest of the year. Everything I do should be in service to putting out the intention of the things I want. Most people call this manifesting. When you visualize what you want, you get it. It's that simple a formula.

So what do I want? Or more importantly, what have I spent my time doing during the past few days?

  • I am working on my script for my first episode of the show. I spent the past two weeks rebreaking my episode, then pitching the next episode. 
  • I am writing my new pilot.
  • I am teaching.
  • I am connecting with elements of my past - I spoke at Career Day at my old grade school.
  • I am working out.
  • I am connecting with friends.
What does that say about the things I want?
  • Writing will be an important part of this next year. I will be employed on another TV show this year.
  • My pilot will get me work.
  • I will continue to teach and be inspired by my students to push myself harder.
  • I will be in better shape this year - also thinner and more cut.
  • My friendships will be important to me this year. Maybe I will even travel with friends.
I am finally settling into the fact that this is my life. Being a TV writer is what I do for a living. And now that I achieved that goal, what's the bigger dream? Where do we go from here?

I think we go to a network show. I think we make real money. I think life gets bigger. I am able to put away more money and pay bills. My horoscope says to spend money on my appearance from now through February. I need to attract work and opportunity to myself. So getting a new laptop is a part of that equation. When I sit down and do work, I need to have authority. I also need a better functioning computer. But that helps my appearance. I appear successful.

I have all of the samples I need to get work. But I will continue to write and make what I have better. Writing's a big part of the year, but being in the room and learning how to produce is a bigger part of the year. I will be on set as well if I am available so I can do more on set producing. I really love doing that. The writing is terrific, but the production of something I've written is where I want to live.

My body. I struggle with my body constantly. I lost weight this year. I don't know how much because I don't weigh myself. And I get paranoid about weight for no reason. I feel like I put on some weight while being on set because what I'm eating is not what I'm used to eating. I need to go on a cleanse after my birthday. I'm going back on Whole 30. I think it will be a good reset as I venture into this next year. My chest and arms look great. Now I need to seriously trim down and lose body fat. I need to run every morning. And I need to keep strict on my way of eating. I did it before and I've lost the discipline, although I am exercising every day and have done that for the past 4 1/2 weeks.

I want to do more things with friends. But I'm feeling the real urge to travel. I usually go to SF and Portland during the year. But I want to get away. New York would be great, but I think I need to really get away somewhere. I checked out the cheap vacation destinations on some website and there are a bunch of places on that particular list I would like to go visit.

I'm single.
I have no attachments.
I want to have some fun.

My intention is open heartedness.
My intention is to work. 
My intention is to keep going.
My intention is expansion.

I am grateful for a job.
I am grateful for the ideas.
I am grateful foe the effort I put forward.

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