Sunday, May 21, 2017


For several years, I've been doing these writing challenges. They started with my playwrights group, The Playwrights Union, doing a February write a play in a month challenge. I've done four of them. And we've also done a Pilot Writing Challenge, which I started. I've done three of those.

I called last year my Year of Challenges and I started out with the goal of performing one challenge a month. I did pretty well, but adjusted my plan when I got staffed on a show. Then I had all sorts of productivity that had nothing to do with self-imposed deadlines. My Challenges had to do with work.

I started this year with a job. I was working on the second year of our show and I was teaching. Actually, I had two jobs. That took up all of my time from January through this month. Now I find myself in a position where I have time again to work on my own stuff. I also have no pay check - so I'd better work on my own stuff.

I want to get the next gig and I have to produce new material. And I have the summer to work before I teach two classes in the Fall. So now I find myself in another position where I need to give myself Challenges.

I am writing a spec script and finishing a pilot this month. I am working on outline for the spec and expect to work on it this week. The other script I will finish as well.

Then in June, I've got a play workshop I'm directing. And I need to outline a new spec pilot I'm working on. I also have another idea for a soapy one hour drama that could be fun to write. I will make time to do some exploratory work on that.

In July, I will write the new spec pilot. And outline the second spec pilot.

In August, I will write the second spec pilot. And then I'll see what else I want to do. I have a new play I also want to write. Then I will start teaching again.

Can I handle four months of writing challenges? Yeah, I can. I've been working on staff for two years and I know how to write fast. I need to plan some get aways and writers retreats to get this work done. Might have a script payment coming in that will help fund this summer of writing. I have plenty of places I can go to. It would be nice to do an extended trip to San Francisco or to Portland. I need to make time to get away and get writing done.

My intention is to be productive.
My intention is to focus.
My intention is to enjoy myself.

I am grateful for the time to write.
I am grateful for the interest in my writing.
I am grateful for friendships.
I am grateful for the people coming back into my life.

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