Friday, May 9, 2014

Treat Yo' Self (on Retreat)

I read this article where Joss Whedon talks about how to be prolific.  And one of the things he says is that you have to reward yourself often.  Like he'll give himself a piece of chocolate just for having an idea, not for finishing the script or outlining.  But just for having the idea.

In other words, Joss Whedon believes in the philosophy known as


I kind of fell in love with him after I read that article.  And it's really key because we don't do it enough.  Or I should say that I don't do it enough.  I was having a conversation with the boyfriend and told him I was going to this boot camp tomorrow.  I'm psyched about it.  I like working out hard and being pushed.  For me, that is treating my self.  I am going to push my physical stamina and therefore my mental stamina.  It's good for me.  And yes, I'm driving two hours to do it.  I want to be around people who inspire me.  I like this group of guys.  They're a group of successful gay guys in their 30s to 50s.  They are superficial and also tight-knit.  They're very real and very fun both at the same time.  I need to be inspired.  And yes, I am going to be back in the area at the end of the month and will come back up to the boot camp.  This is totally true.

That is treating myself.

I had a happy hour meal at a restaurant in town where I went out for Oysters, Sand Dabs, a Lemon Drop and a beer.  I dropped some dough.  But I was rewarding myself for finishing my work on Act One of my play.

Molly and I treated OUR selves to dinner last night,  Extravagant, yes.  Decadent, yes.  Fun, yes.  We flirted with the waiter and we had specialty cocktails and wine.  We had great conversation.  It was a blast.  And we treated ourselves because we had been working hard all week.  I won't be treating myself that well for the rest of this retreat.  But that was mad fun.

I have treated myself to this trip.  To this retreat and getaway.

Molly talked about this medium that I should go see to communicate with some dead relatives.  That's probably going to be about $100.  I'm going to treat myself to that.  It will be much deserved and necessary.

I am taking care of myself.  I am being good to myself.  It is much deserved and long overdue.  I have a lot of catch up to do.  I, for the most part, have lived under a philosophy of "be hard on yourself", "hate yourself," "put yourself down."  The Treat Yo' Self philosophy has brought about a lot more productivity.  I have a 54 page Act One.  In three and a half days.  I think that's pretty spectacular.  Now I need to move on to my next project and I feel that will be just as fruitful.

I have to attribute a few articles for this productivity.  First of all, the Joss Whedon article I mentioned earlier.  How to be Prolific.  And the secret is that you are good to yourself and hard on yourself.  Interchangably, but with equal force.  And there's an article that's about setting up systems instead of being disappointed by goals.  So if you set a goal and you figure out what it takes to accomplish that goal, you focus on the system you set up.  Because you will always be successful as long as you are doing something.  But if you set a goal and don't accomplish it, you will leave feeling disappointed.  I also have been doing a gratitude journal as a part of this blog for almost five months and that has changed my entire energy and outlook.  I no longer walk around constantly disappointed in myself.  I walk around feeling like I am doing things.  And even when I am not hard core, I am accomplishing things by just being alert and aware and conscious in my life.

I like treating myself.  It's working.

I am grateful for Retta and Aziz Ansari.
I am grateful for laughter.
I am grateful for my ability to treat myself.
I am grateful for money.
I am grateful for time.
I am grateful for the generosity of spirit that I am extending to myself.
 I am grateful for my sense of humor.
I am grateful for food. 
I am grateful for long friendships.
 I am grateful for care and consideration in my life.
I am grateful that I am loved.
I am grateful that I am not resting on my laurels.
I am grateful for the ability to reflect.
I am grateful for my blog.
I am grateful that I can look at myself clearly.
I am grateful for books.
I am grateful for Portland.
I am grateful for Monterey.
I am grateful for nature.
I am grateful for my boot campers who will be joining tomorrow.
I am grateful for San Francisco.
I am grateful for all sorts of fun.
I am grateful for friends who want to see me.

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