Thursday, August 7, 2014

A Day's Work

I lean back in my chair.
Ready to pass out.
Work kicked my ASS today.

Then I smile.
My work kicked my ass.
I am exhausted because I worked.
For myself.
Outlined a screenplay.

Ready to hit it again tomorrow to refine what I have
and work more on the characters.

I didn't think I could get it done when I started this morning.
But I sat down
and I stayed sitting.

Now today's rewards are going to feel so sweet.
A little light dinner at the office
before I have to head to meet a friend
to see Napoleon Dynamite outdoors.
Wine, cheese, dark chocolate, popcorn.
I am ready for this.

And I deserve it.

I am on course.  And it feels good.

I am grateful for being on course.
I am grateful for how accomplished I feel.
I am grateful to be tired.
I am grateful to have no more energy left.
I am grateful for some fun music to listen to.

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