Saturday, September 13, 2014

Fourth Quarter Preview

October 1-December 31.

What's going to happen?


My TV Pilot Writing Challenge. 31 days of writing a new pilot. Holy shit.


I had that play I was working on earlier in the summer. I want to go back to it and just do research, research, research. I think I'm writing it for the February Playwriting Challenge. So I want to take time to get all of my ducks in a row and start getting these people together. I have written some informational pages, but nothing concrete.

I don't know if that will take up the whole month, so maybe if there's another pilot in me after the challenge, I can work on that. It would also be nice to do some rewrites. I also figure that's what I'll be doing in December. I feel like the Pilot Challenge is my last hurrah for new material this year.  I'll rewrite and research as necessary.  And maybe there will be some work in these months, that would take me away from some writing, but that would also be okay since I've done so much and I need to make money.



Planning 2015. I know February will be the Playwriting Challenge. But I don't know what January will be yet. And I don't know what the rest of the year will be. I'm assuming there will be some new pilot stuff on the horizon.  There's stuff I haven't written yet, like certain genres.  It might be interesting to play around with that stuff. And there are the three pilot ideas that I won't be writing in 2014, so maybe I'll write those in 2015. I would also like to do amble amounts of rewriting for part of the year.

But I have plenty to think about for the remaining three and a half months of this year.  That will be plenty.

I am grateful for planning.
I am grateful for stuff to do.
I am grateful for my positive spirit.
I am grateful for my good hair.
I am grateful to know what I want.

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