Wednesday, August 31, 2016

And on the EIGHTH day he rested...

My body started shutting down. Yesterday, when I was running around to a friend's play reading and then went to a movie, I started getting really tired. I was hungry. I stuck it out because I really wanted to see the film, DON'T THINK TWICE - which I'll get to later. Loved it.

My voice started to go. When I got home around 8 PM, I felt like I wanted to go to bed. I had a phone call scheduled with my best friend David at 9 PM. He apparently called - I didn't hear it ring or get a missed call - and I went to bed after 10 PM. I would have been thrilled to have gone to bed at 8. I wasn't going to have a voice if we chatted for a long time, which is what we both usually do when we're together.

I slept for nine hours last night. Exhausted. I woke up feeling better, but not 100%. I had an appointment I needed to go to, but I knew I didn't have to be anywhere else. Today was about resting and relaxing. I had my syllabus done. I had my lesson plan. The first day is usually pretty chill. But I have 30 students, which is overwhelming to me. We can't just sit in a circle. This is an actual part lecture course where I have to stand in front of them like the professor. Ugh. I have to go be the adult tomorrow.

I come to this class in TV and Film Writing almost five months after I last taught. My other class was magical. I had eight or nine glorious students. Well, seven or eight - and one problem child. But it was a great class. They were all smart and a lot of fun. But it was a real writing class - I got to do a lot of stuff with them because it was so small.

This is a different story. I'm sure they're all great students. My experience with the Film and TV kids versus the theatre kids is that they're a little more snarky. That's fine. I can deal with snarky. And when you've got big group like this - this is more than the 20 person screenwriting course I subbed for. I believe that's the next level course. For this one, I want them to be incredibly clear on structure. I want them to see how hard this work really is. Then I want them to work their asses off. 

I also come to this class off of six months experience in writing and production of a TV series, something I didn't have before. In some ways, I'm more qualified to teach this course than the other course only because I worked in development for so many years with other writers. I have lots of experience as a playwright and doing it myself and studying it for sure, but in terms of resume stuff it's easier to see my experience in TV.  I love teaching. I enjoy it. I also love working in the field. 

Right now, I really am in a period of rest. I finished eight months of incredibly productive time. Now the other four months will be teaching - and maybe some unexpected things on the horizon. I hope. It's definitely a transition. 

I'm going to enjoy the drive down tomorrow. I love that drive. It's the beach. It's calm. It's familiar. I'm ready for the change of pace - the calm before the storm, perhaps.

My intention is stillness.
My intention is openness.
My intention is to breathe.

I am grateful for fun.
I am grateful for scenic drives.
I am grateful for good times.
I am grateful for today.

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