Saturday, August 27, 2016

K Spa Writing Tour: Day 5 (Resumed)

After one day off "the road", I'm back on the writing bus. I've had quite the morning of getting some writing done on the play. We had rehearsal last night and it brought up a lot of questions. A lot of the writing I did, I've cut. It was the right thing to do. I was overwriting. After rehearsal, I felt incredibly overwhelmed and a bit lost. I got home and started working on the things we talked about. And then I woke up and started doing some more.

I've cut four more pages of the script. So now we're down to 93 pages - we were at 106 in the previous draft. So it's really going to be a lean 90 minute play with no intermission. I'm pretty psyched about that.

At rehearsal last night, the playwright whose workshop I attended came to participate and give notes. Everything was incredibly helpful. I've been asking for what I need from my director, producer and actors. It's really terrific that I can get what I need.

So now I head out to Natura Spa again - I like it because it's small and cheaper than the others and I can stay for as long as I want to in their parking lot.

I have the print out of the pilot script to work on. So I'm going to sit down and go through that script the same way I went through this one - on the hard copy. My goal is to get through the pilot script in the next several hours. And then I go to rehearsal and we work on the play. We're calling our lead actor in an hour early so we can work with him. Then we're working with our other actors for the remaining 3.5 hours. Long day. But we've got the reading tomorrow. It's going to be completely worth it.

2:30 PM - I've been here for an hour and a half. I relaxed and steamed and all that jazz. Now I'm in the lounge and I'm doing work. I just finished the rewrites and made a few tweaks. I sent the new pages to our team. Now I just have to wait and see what I hear tonight.

So far…

Location: Natura Spa
Pages: 6 (plus cuts and tweaks)
Hours: 5 (3.5 at home and 1.5 at the spa)

Now it's lunch time and I need to start going through the pilot. Eesh.

I made it through about half of the pilot. I'll deal with the rest of it in the morning.

My intention is to take a leap.
My intention is to take a leap.
My intention is to take a leap.

I am grateful for the support of a great company of actors.
I am grateful for the open hearts of many friends.
I am grateful for the enthusiasm I experience when we read this play.

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