Wednesday, August 31, 2016

K Spa Writing Tour: Day Seven - The Last Stop

It's the last stop of this leg of the tour, anyway. I was going to hit up my fave hotel health club for budget steaming and lounging. But it's CLOSED for remodeling, which means that the prices will be going up for sure. A $9 steam, workout and all day hangout was in my budget. I'm not going to be happy if the price doubles. Then I keep going to my K Spas. That's fine.

This tour has been incredibly productive. I have gotten a lot done. The experiment worked! I got all three scripts done - my ten minute play, my full length play rewrite and my pilot rewrite done in my time line. Now that I'm resting my voice - because I'm so worn out after working my ass off last week and for several weeks before that on the show - I can appreciate the amount of work I got done.

I went back to Irvine Spa - a place I really enjoy. I knew I'd be able to get my shit done there. 

I was still recovering from my hangover from Saturday's celebration after the reading and our wrap party. I headed to Irvine Spa - feeling I could be more productive today than yesterday. After some flirting and interesting conversations with a few guys, I headed into the TV room to get some work done. I went through all of my notes and all of a sudden I got super clear about what needed to get fixed. I think I was overwhelmed on Sunday - partially because I was super hungover - but today I was crystal clear about what needed to happen. I had a certainty about the amount of time I had to get my stuff done - I knew I had to turn in the pilot script to my manager that night so that I could start Tuesday  with tightening up my syllabus for class. I needed a little transition before launching into another incredibly busy project.

As much fun as it is to check guys out at the spa, I'm finding myself driven less and less by my libido than I was when I was younger. Maturity? Maybe. But it's freeing up a lot of time to getting work done. Flirting and cruising take up a shit ton of time when you could be doing other things. I got to Irvine Spa around noon and I left around 10 PM.

Location - Irvine Spa
Hours - 10
Pages - 53

That number looks high - 53. But that's because I did most of my note-taking the day before and because I zeroed on what needed to be fixed. I realized that because I had such a strong outline, not much was out of place. And what was out of place was in one big section and so definitely obvious. I did a "tone pass" as well - which is doing a pass where you set the descriptive passages in a certain tone that's consistent. I'm not always clear on what something is, but that night I was completely clear on what this pilot was about.

When I sent the email to my manager, I decided to send both scripts. I had taken longer than I wanted to in getting the pilot to him because of other things I was working on. I hope the impact of both scripts will emphasize the fact that I've been working my ass off for the past few months. Not that I need to prove something to him - but I think I feel a little bit of pressure because it's a new working relationship.

I got home that night and was exhausted in the first eight months of the year, I had written or rewritten 1294 pages. I don't need to get to last year's number of 2000. I'm happy that I've been working and that I've gotten stuff done. That's plenty for me. Now it's onward to teaching…

My intention is to rest.
My intention is to recalibrate.
My intention is to restore.
My intention is to surrender to what the Universe will have me do.

I am grateful for a few days to recover.
I am grateful for good friends who show up for me.
I am grateful for my productivity.
I am grateful for this time in my life.

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