Thursday, April 23, 2015

Q1: Recap/ Q2: Plan

The first three months of the year were pretty productive for me and they centered around one thing: working on a new play. I found out half way through January that I was going to be a part of Moving Arts' MAD Labs Play Development Program. That meant that I would be able to work on a new play from scratch and see it through nine months of readings and workshops. So in February I wrote about 131 pages of a script that I knew would turn into something complete. I had a reading of it in late February and then another reading a few days later. I went off into rewrites and produced a complete version of the play two weeks ago that clocked in at about 156 pages.

And now I'm in the second quarter of the year. What will the next three months bring about?

I finished the second rewrite of the play on April 14th. I now have a decision to make about a new version of this play. I also have a spec script I'm trying to write in the next week. Plus getting to work on this new pilot again. There's a lot to do in this new quarter.

So April will be about finishing the spec script and working on what the new play draft will be.

May will be about writing the play.

June will be about the pilot, I guess.

That's basically how it goes down, I think.

It's a continual forward motion of work. I am grateful to be writing so much. But I would like it to start paying off financially. That's only human, right? I appreciate it for the work that it is. I appreciate the ability to be productive and to generate work. I have much to be grateful in that regard. But I would like a change of pace from just working in my room on work. I would like more collaboration in my life. I am grateful that the theatre company is allowing me that. But I really won't be doing my workshop until August.

I have another round of applications for all of the studio programs starting in May. Once I get the spec written, I'm just going to fill in my applications for everything. Get that all out of the way. Because then I have the fall applications for all the play programs.

I'm hoping that all of this works means that the Third Quarter will mean that I will be traveling for some play development. That would be pretty terrific. And then there's the matter of day jobs.

This is all a reminder to just be grateful for what my day-to-day is. Because I probably won't always have the luxury to just write all day. Not unless there's a big windfall of money. And if there is some pay off where I'm flush with cash, that will only happen because I've written a script that paid me a bunch of money. So I need to keep working.

I am grateful for the time to write every day.
I am grateful to do nothing but that right now.
I am grateful for a community of playwrights and theatre professionals who want me to succeed.
I am grateful for my good health.
I am grateful for positive progress.
I am grateful that I am at least becoming considered for different play development programs.
I am grateful that I have friends whose success inspires me.

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