Saturday, July 25, 2015

Gratitude: Day 8

I'm on Day 8 of the Oprah/Deepak 21 Day Meditation Experience on Gratitude. Something about how being thankful improves your health. I'm down for that. Not to get all preachy or all new agey about it, but I do believe that gratitude has improved my outlook on life. I even end each of my blog posts with at least three things to be thankful for. And I try not to think about it too much. I try to just think of whatever comes to my mind the quickest.

And I've discovered that when I focus on things I'm thankful for, I think less about what I don't have. I think less about the money I don't have or the prestige or power or influence I don't have. I think about the money, prestige and power and influence that I DO have. I don't feel like comparing myself to other people because I am thankful for things in my life. I'm a lot calmer because I don't have the anxiety that comes when you compare yourself to others. I don't walk around feeling like a loser.

Gratitude. It's pure and simple.

And when I don't have the anxiety that I used to carry then I realize that I have time to do other things. Like…write. I have more time to do the things I'm supposed to do and I don't feel rushed or worried. And because I'm actually writing, the satisfaction of writing becomes my reward. I complain less. Then I do more. And when I do more, I have less to complain about. It's the opposite of a vicious circle. It's a victorious circle. I feel like a success.

Lately, I have felt like sleeping a lot more. I feel like relaxing more. And that's not making me lazy. It's not making me want to do NOTHING but sleep, but I need to rest. Then I have energy that lasts me all day along. I'm also enjoying quiet time a lot more. Am I getting old? Or am I becoming more enlightened. Or both?

I find myself not needing as much outward stimulation. I really like chilling out at home, reading a book or working on something quietly. I love cooking - but I've always loved cooking. I think I appreciate things that are quieter these days in ways I haven't before. I'm grateful for the quiet. And again, we're back to gratitude. And my gratitude makes me appreciate things that are simpler.

I am grateful for quiet.
I am grateful for good conversations.
I am grateful for rest.
I am grateful for my meditation practice.
I am grateful for knowledge.
I am grateful for pozole.
I am grateful for ideas.s
I am grateful for the grace of good people in my life.

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