Tuesday, February 16, 2016


I just got hired on a web series. That is fantastic news. I started thinking about having two jobs. I'm teaching this term as well and I'm fortunate that those two things are not in conflict with one another. Then I thought about the pilot I'm rewriting. That's a third job. And a play I'm finishing. That's a fourth job. And the play I have to rewrite for a rewrite for a reading in April. That's a fifth job. And I'm looking for new representation. That's a sixth job. And there might be a couple of other play things going on this year, so those might be a seventh and eighth job.

I have to really think about all of these as jobs. Some of them don't pay. Or not yet. I'm writing scripts to get things produced or for more staffing opportunities. I remember something my grief counselor said to me three years ago, after my Dad died. He said that writing was my job. I was a working writer despite not getting paid for it yet. Because it's what I spent my time doing. I dedicated time and space to writing every day. I'm at the library right now working: my mobile office. Yes, I am getting paid to be on staff on this show. And I'm taking time to enjoy that feeling before the work begins. But I've been working in offices that I've paid for. I've been dedicating time and making sacrifices for my work, for my jobs.

That's the switch that has gone off. These are all jobs that I have. And I have to take them seriously. All of these jobs will eventually lead to money. Some of them already have and that's another boost I've needed. It motivates me to work harder and to keep my butt in the chair. It has made the visualization easier because it makes the vision clearer. And that makes my motivation and my intention stronger. And it brings opportunity with greater velocity. It's momentum.

Now I've got to get to work.

I am grateful for my new staff job.
I am grateful for my teaching.
I am grateful for my new pilot script.
I am grateful that I outlined it so quickly.
I am grateful for the pilot script I wrote before that.
I am grateful for the play I am writing now.
I am grateful for the support of all the writers groups and organizations that have given me a place to present my work.
I am grateful for the support of family and friends.
I am grateful for the actors, director, assistant director, dramaturg and producers who gave me the opportunity to present new work last year.
I am grateful for every page I've written and every page I'm writing and about to write.
I am grateful for the clarity of vision that got me here.

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