Monday, February 1, 2016

The Year of Challenges: January Recap

2016 has been set to be my Year of Challenges. How true that has ended up being.

When I said Year of Challenges, I meant that I would take the format of my Playwriting and TV Pilot Challenges of writing a play or pilot, respectively, in a month and apply it to a different challenge every month.

I ended up having to deal with a break up as well. There's a challenge for you.

So January became a month of new beginnings, of taking care of myself and of proving that a break up wasn't going to define me this month or this year. I needed to set a personal tone for myself for 2016. And that included getting a pilot rewritten.

The official challenge was to "rewrite something you wrote last year." And I did. I wrote 61 pages. A new draft of a drama pilot. That's exciting. I've also focused on clearing the path for things to come into my life this year. I obviously did that by ending my relationship. But I also have done that by getting this pilot off of my docket. I have another script, a play I started last year, to write in February.

I also had two other challenges I accomplished last month, I stayed sober and went vegan for the month. I kept it up even after breaking up two days after I started those challenges. I needed to know for myself that I could take care of myself during rough times instead of doing things that were self-destructive.

This month I'm just going to give myself the Challenge of writing a new play. That seems to be enough, given the subject matter.

I am grateful for challenges.
I am grateful that I got through January.
I am grateful that life keeps moving forward.

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