Tuesday, July 12, 2016

I Brake for Breaks

I'm horrible at taking breaks, as I may have mentioned here before. I'm horrible at trying to relax if I know I have work to do. I just got back from seeing my brother and his family in Portland. I came back refreshed and recharged.

The first part of the year was really busy in great and unexpected ways. I was on staff for about three months and I also wrote a new play, rewrote an old play for a staged reading, and I've been working on a TV project. I can be nothing but grateful for this year so far. Living in one's truth is a beautiful thing.

I got my hair they way I want it. I'm wearing the clothes I prefer. I listen to the music and watch the TV shows I want. My life is of my own making. And crafting that life and engaging in all of the blessings that the Universe has brought to me has made me tired. I didn't realize it. I was pushing through in May and June. Working at such a pace made me tired!

Okay, I just did my page count for the first six and a half months of the year. I'm at 835 pages so far. This year is proving to be as productive as the past two. When you're writing many drafts of scripts for a TV show, it's a lot of writing.

I know that I'll be writing more pages for my workshop this August. Plus, I've got a pilot I'm finishing. A new pilot I'm reworking. A ten minute play I'm writing. And possibly a new series of ten minute plays I'm writing based on something I did last year.  I'm hoping to work on some things with the intention of getting them produced. I'm excited about this new play. I'm excited to finish this pilot and about the next pilot. Sometimes I get so tired I forget to be excited about things I'm working on and I get caught up in how much work it all is. I"m trying to enjoy myself as much as I can.

The break was great. And  now I'm ready to get to work.

I am grateful for the time to work.
I am grateful for the resources to work.
I am grateful for incredible support from my theatre company and playwright friends.

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