Sunday, October 15, 2017

On a Mission

I think about that Vanessa Williams song from the 90s - "Work to Do."

"Oh, I got work to do
I got work baby
I got a job baby
I got work to do
Said I got work to do."

October has been a good month so far. Actually, last week was a good week. I'm day 15 on my Whole 30, so I'm at the halfway mark, which is amazing. I feel better. I'm being told I look better, which is nice. But I'm trying to detox. And honestly, this is the way I should be eating. I love a piece of cheese every now and again and a glass of wine or a cocktail. But maybe being sober is a good way to keep myself focused. I honestly don't miss the booze at all. And it's cheaper when I go out. I'm only drinking to be social. I can do that with sparkling water. But the clarity has made me way more productive.

I've been working on this pilot idea for a few months, just trying to figure out what it is that I want to write about. And in the meantime, I had a second pilot idea. But I don't want to get so overwhelmed with everything that I get nothing done. So I did a treatment of both ideas. And I walked into October with both of those completed, about three or four pages each. I finished a beat outline and a narrative outline last week for the primary idea. And I'm using my class time and exercises to do work on the second idea so I can write something in November. So far that seems manageable. Then I started doing the rewrite of my play, having no idea how to approach changes. I got notes from my dramaturg and director and then decided to start doing some work. I finished that last week too.

It's hard to write when I've got school going on. But I think I've managed a workload and a schedule that seems to be working for me. I got all of my student critiques done for my grad students already and both my undergrad classes don't have assignments this week. I do have some grading for my intro class to do, but that should take up too much time. I'll do that with some down time. But I basically have the week to get my own shit done! And that means the first pilot.

I'm heading to San Diego this week Tuesday through Thursday to meet with all three of my classes. And next week I'm cancelling classes because I'm going to something in town on the day I normally teach. So I have the rest of this month to get this pilot written. I put the play away until my workshop next month, so that's done. And I'll be doing these exercises along side my students for the second pilot, so that work will be happening in class.

What am I trying to do before the end of the year? Well, I'm trying not to freak myself out by setting such large goals. But ideally, I'd like to get both pilots done. I'll have a draft of the play more solid because of all the work we're doing in workshop in November. So here's my loose plan:

  • October: Write pilot #1 and work on story and characters for pilot #2.
  • November: Write pilot #2 and workshop play.
  • December: Rewrite pilot #1 and pilot #2.
That feels very doable, considering that I'm also teaching. December will get heavy with my school work because a lot of the work will be coming in for my students. I'm going to rearrange my school schedule a little bit so I'm not driving down to meet with my grad students as much as I have planned in November. I need to make time for work in November. That possibly means that I will have three new pilots this year because I have the rewrite of the old pilot that got out.

I then have two pilot ideas for 2018 that I could start working on and I can start that process in January. I'm not writing these pilots for any other reason than to have them done. I want to stay productive and active and keep my skills sharp. As long as I do that, I'm fine.

I'm teaching and keeping my skills for giving feedback sharp. I'm running a room essentially with my classes. And if I finish both pilots I will have written six scripts this year. That is a good pace to be keeping up. Obviously, I want a new agent and to get staffed. But I'm not thinking about that right now. I'm thinking about writing the stuff I want to write. That seems to have gotten me to where I'm at. Everything else is not up to me.

My intention is to keep writing.
My intention is to keep growing.
My intention is to keep moving.

I am grateful for a Sunday.
I am grateful for time to get work done.
I am grateful for good friends around me.
I am grateful for fun.
I am grateful for the Korean Spa.

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