Thursday, January 21, 2016


Ask me how I am these days and I'll say I'm managing. Yes, I just went through a break up two weeks ago and my emotions are up and down. But I don't mean that I'm hanging in there. I mean that I'm juggling a lot of stuff right now. It feels good to be busy. I am the manager of my life.

I started teaching this week. I have seven students in my Playwriting class at SDSU. That's pretty amazing. It feels good to get back in the classroom. I enjoy sitting around and talking creativity with a bunch of students. We sat around for the first class yesterday and I went into my schpiel about what the class entails. I couldn't believe I was able to talk that much for that long. I think I kept the energy up and kept things interesting.

Today, I spent all day coming up with my lesson plans for all the classes I'm teaching. I kind of couldn't help myself. I'm trying to create room for other things to come into my life by having all of my teaching plans settled. It means, again, that I am clearing the launch pad. Making room for the things that need to come into my life. I went through each week and realized that I have a pretty good plan for how this class is supposed to work. I have a pretty good sense of organization.

I have another project I'm working on: the play rewrite challenge. I'm going to finish the play I started in February. And in order to get that going, I probably have to have the pilot I'm working on now off my plate. That has been hard. I've been really interested in the ideas and themes of the pilot, but it has taken me awhile to wrap my head around what to change. I think I'm closer, but I need to find time to write the thing. And honestly, I think I'm dragging my feet because there are a few things I still need to figure out. Also, I know I can bang out that pilot in three days, once I know where I'm going.

I've been looking for new representation as well. My material is out to some people. I sent it out and I'm kind of forgetting about it. I'm just letting things be right now because I'm so busy. Yes, I want things to happen yesterday. But I've got to focus on what is in front of me. And there's plenty to focus on in that arena.

I'm feeling incredibly busy, productive and useful. Maybe that's a distraction from the break up. But at least it's keeping me moving.

I am grateful for all of the activity in my life.
I am grateful for the fun I'm having.
I am grateful for the friends who have rallied around me.
I am grateful for the fact that things are looking up.
I am grateful that I'm not spending my weekend at a music conference this year.
I am grateful that the sky's the limit.

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