Saturday, December 21, 2013


When I drive in my car, I don't often have the radio on. When I drive from LA to Santa Clara to visit friends or to guest teach, I don't have the radio on.  I find that the quiet time relaxes me.  I used to like the noise in the background to keep me company, but now I find that  I need the space to hear myself.  Maybe part of that is getting older.  Maybe part of that is being tired of covering up the messages that the Universe is trying to send me.

But I like the quiet.

When I wake up in the morning, I cherish the time to be alone with my thoughts before I have to start talking to anyone.

I don't like anyone talking to me when I'm writing.

I remember when I used to have roommates when I lived in New York and my favorite thing was being up before everyone else.

I don't even run with headphones on anymore.  I have time to do my affirmations.  And sometimes, I just like to hear the sound of my own breathing.

I do cleanses a few times a year.  And I feel like having quiet time every day is a daily cleanse.  It keeps constant communication going between me and myself.

I need the quiet now more than ever because I have major decisions to make about my life.  I need to tune out some of the other noise so I can decide what I need for myself the most.

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