Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Setting Up Systems for 2014

A friend on Facebook posted the following article from, which is about paying attention to the process (systems) versus setting goals.  This is a slightly different way of saying that it's the journey, not the destination.

I know that I end up disappointed most of the time because the goals I set for myself don't get met.  Or I go into the New Year and I say: "Let me just throw it all out there and then see what sticks."  I like the author's suggestion that instead of focusing on goals (which is different from not setting them), you focus on how you want to get work done.

Goal: To write two new plays this year.
System: To write or do research every day.  That includes journaling, blogging, watching films, reading books, reading plays, reading articles.  If I do something towards that goal every day, then I'll get a lot of writing done.

Goal: To write two new pilots this year.
System: See above.

Goal: To get a teaching job.
System: Apply for jobs.  Talk to people I know in academia to see if they hear about anything.  Do workshops and give speeches.  Give advice.  Work on syllabi.  Follow up with contacts.  Be open.

Goal: To lose ten pounds, put on more muscle and get more flexible.
System: Drink less of my calories.  Work out three times a week.  Run at least three times a week.  Take yoga.  More real food, less preservatives.  Don't eat late.  Snack less.

Goal: To be kinder, more patient and more focused.
System: Meditate.  Find more quiet time.  Create a gratitude journal.

If I just take the goals out, here is what I'm left with.

Write or do research every day.  That includes journaling, blogging, watching films, reading books, reading plays, reading articles.  If I do something towards that goal every day, then I'll get a lot of writing done.

Apply for jobs.  Talk to people I know in academia to see if they hear about anything.  Do workshops and give speeches.  Give advice.  Work on syllabi.  Follow up with contacts.  Be open.  

Drink less of my calories.  Work out three times a week.  Run at least three times a week.  Take yoga.  More real food, less preservatives.  Don't eat late.  Snack less. 

Meditate.  Find more quiet time.  Create a gratitude journal.

If I do things that I can do daily and that I like doing, then I won't be disappointed when I don't achieve a goal.  But I will be accomplishing every day.  And who says that I can't accomplish more than my goals.  But if I am just focused on the destination, then I will be stressed and pressured.

I already feel more relaxed.

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