Wednesday, October 1, 2014


What is it that Jesus said? Where two or more of you are gathered, there I'll be? Something like that. Meaning that Church doesn't need a building or a lot of people.

I have described my office as a studio. It's the place I come to be inspired every day. It's the place I come to work. You might even say that it's the place I come to worship. Rainn Wilson has called art a form of prayer. For me, it's the way that I celebrate the life force within me. So I would say that's very true for me.

I have mentioned that I am giving up my office at the end of the month. My office, this space, has been instrumental in getting work done this year. For the past five months, this has been a home. Tim, my officemate and friend, has been a big part of that. And now we're giving up the office. It's sad because I think we both have felt the value of having this space. But having this space has also cemented the idea that I can have Church anywhere. I hope that another space that a friend has offered me works out. But right now this is the perfect time to move on from this space.

I have this pilot I'm writing this month. And I know the extra motivation that I won't have the space after the 31st means that I will be getting my work done. Today has already been an incredible exercise in that sort of motivation. I wrote 12 pages of this new script today. It feels good. I might continue on or wait until tomorrow. But it feels insanely good to be this productive.

These past five months have taught me so much about having a time and a space to work. I have learned a ton about having this sort of focused, dedicated time. I know that I can recreate it anywhere. I know that I need to have things around me that personalize the space and motivate me. I have a cork board and a dry erase board and the books around me that inspire me. I hope to take that into the new space and even make it more personal, since it will be mine only.

I am only focusing on the moment, but I don't have any limit on my ideas. I wrote two pilots this year. I'm up for writing two or more next year. I already have another one hour idea that I think is interesting. And I have two half hour ideas that I want to write as well. I have a memoir I want to write. I have a new play I know I'll be writing in February. So maybe another spec (if I need it to apply to studio programs) and something else. If five this year, then why not six next year? I will rewrite the things I am being paid to work on, like if a theatre wants to develop one of the plays I've sent them. And I'm sure I'll be rewriting this pilot the rest of this year, depending on how it turns out. I can't imagine writing something new in November or December.  I want to spend that time rewriting, researching and resting. I think the holidays are a perfect time for that.

And maybe I'll have a Church or maybe I won't. But regardless, I'll have plenty to preach on.

I am grateful for the work.
I am grateful for the muses.
I am grateful for an address for them to come visit me at.
I am grateful for the discipline I have been working on for five months.
I am grateful for conversations about art.
I am grateful to know that the people who I think are killing it are killing it and at the same time are working hard in the trenches, like I am. 
I am grateful that I can inspire people around me and that my glow is felt.
I am grateful to feel the glow of others on me.

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