Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Fourth Quarter

Today's the first day of the Fourth Quarter of the Year.

I looked at my writing year divided into each quarter. During the First Quarter, I wrote a full length play in a month in February and I wrote a full one hour pilot in March. In the Second Quarter, I wrote three scripts in May and part of June: a play rewrite, a pilot rewrite and a spec. In the Third Quarter, I wrote a screenplay in August and I prepped my pilot bible and outline in September.

Now it's time for the last quarter of the year.  Bringing it home.

I plan on writing my pilot script this month. I'm hoping to get through a full pass at the script and maybe a rewrite. Then November and December are going to be about rewriting and researching. So I'll do a pilot rewrite and research for a play I'm going to write in February during the Playwriting Challenge. This has been an intense year for writing.  By the end of the year, I will have written five full scripts (two pilots, one screenplay, one play and one spec). I'm pretty blown away by that.

The Second Quarter in a way was my most productive time with the two rewrites and the spec. Although in the First Quarter I wrote two scripts from scratch. However, in the Third Quarter, I wrote a full screenplay in five weeks and I haven't written a screenplay since Grad School. So each Quarter had its own degree of difficulty.

And am I going to take it easy?  Probably not. During the last few months of putting together this TV pilot writing challenge for my playwrights group, I realize how much of an instinct I have for TV. I know what I am talking about. I have accomplished writer friends who are not asking the right questions of themselves in writing TV. It's like they forgot what to do from theatre to film. I know that all the scripts I wrote showcase something great about my writing. And that they are well constructed. It ain't easy.

But I want to keep pushing.  I don't want to stop. I'm excited by this new pilot. I have the outline and the bible written. Now it's just time to get it done this month and to work on getting representation. I have scripts I am ready to send out. It's time to do that.

I am grateful for so much productivity.
I am grateful for so much focus.
I am grateful for sleep.
I am grateful for quiet and rest.

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