Monday, January 4, 2016

Don't Get Too Excited

I get excited.

It's the new year and I'm ready to set it off. But it might be a good idea to pump the brakes a little bit and ease into the new year. I know that my year will get busy before I know it with little effort from me. So to enjoy some of the ease that the end of the year brought might be a good thing. I went away to  Portland for a week and really just enjoyed being with my family. We hung out. We watched movies. We made tamales. It was a really good time.

I got back to town and I just had to finish a rewrite on a script. A real mild rewrite. Now I'm in the process of sending the script out along with the play I wrote last year to try and find new representation.  It's really interesting to be in the process of looking for a new business relationship. I remember all of anxiety and worry I felt when I was in the thick of "making it happen." I had everything in place to make it happen but I lost the main element: the work. So I went back and retrieved the work and really focused on that.

I have been a bit of a loner on my own journey. I needed to venture out on my own. And now that I've done that, here I am ready to get back into the game. I'm trying to just ease into it, though. The last two years were so productive and wonderfully so that I don't have to worry that things are going to heat up. As it is, I already have a reading coming up in April. I have a TV pilot script I want to write later in the year. And I have a play I'm writing now. I'm definitely not at a loss for things to write. I also don't want to overwhelm myself. I start teaching in two weeks. I'm going to be pressed for time. That would make you think that I was freaking out and nervous about getting enough work done in the next two weeks. But I know I can juggle. I think it's best to just appreciate this time now. And it's not like I'm doing nothing. I'm doing a lot of work, but I'm trying not to stress out.

Slow and steady wins the race, they say. Well, I'm trying to adopt that mentality. To just be consistent and get my work done.

I am grateful for positive influences in my life.
I am grateful for good friends.
I am grateful for my spiritual, emotional and physical cleanse.
I am grateful for the detox.
I am grateful for love in my life.

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