Saturday, April 2, 2016

2016: Q2 Goals

Back to the Year of Challenges…

It's April and my goal for this month is to rewrite my play in anticipation for a reading happening in May. Here's the deal. Work starts back up in about a week and a half.

I didn't bring my notes with me to San Francisco, where I am for a few days. So I've got a project that I need to complete so I can get some money so I can buy a new computer by tax time when the school I work at is doing tax free. I can save some money and get a much needed piece of equipment. I can also buy this new computer without busting into any of my writing earnings. That's a great thing.

I have to get that project finished and out the door so I can get a check. I was going to make all of these plans with all of these folks tomorrow, but maybe I should just focus on getting this project done this weekend. Maybe I need to stay up in SF until the afternoon and then drive down to Santa Clara to see a former student and then hang out with my friends. Okay, TMI. but I'm thinking out loud.

But I get back to work on the 11th, so I'd like to get the work project out the door and the play started. That would be incredibly helpful for me because I know that from April 11-22 I won't be doing anything other than working on the show. And that's the way it should be. I'm totally cool with that.

I've got a theatre festival to go to that following weekend. And I'll get to catch up with friends and then I'm basically on my own working on the script. I'll take that last week in April to finish up work on the play and be done with my writing challenge.

May - I don't know that I really have anything set in stone for May. So maybe I can work on the pilot rewrite then. It will be too late for network staffing, but the show I'm writing doesn't really have the sort of structure that would fit for network staffing. I'll probably have to start thinking about a new pilot to write as well.

June - Here's the month where I have set for a non-writing challenge. The fact is that I have another play rewrite I could be starting. I have a new pilot I could be writing as well. I also want to leave the month open for other opportunities to come my way. I'll be fully done with the show by then and I'm open the rest of the year. I'd like to be writing on another show by June. Regardless, I will continue to be busy working on my stuff. If I don't have work I'm getting paid for, I will be writing. My energy will be spent on creating new material, rewriting old material and hopefully having a production at some point soon of another play a theatre is interested in producing. I haven't heard anything.

I'm not planning beyond that at this point because I want to leave my launch pad clear for more opportunities to come my way. It worked so well last time, that I want to continue that pattern. I have committed to the play reading in May. I'm not committing to anything else unless someone wants to do a paid workshop. I love doing readings. But I've had enough readings this year. I don't have any plays I need to work on that are so fresh I need to hear a reading. The new play has taken shape and I want to do some rewriting on it based on what I heard, but I want to take that new draft into a room. And if nothing is happening, I would like to get ready to submit that play for the Fall.

This year is about making a living. I am taking my skills and turning that into a salary. I have gotten much encouragement from the Universe so far this year. Q1 was a great indication of that. Now I want to continue that momentum into Q2.

My weekend away in the Bay Area is about recharging. Actually, I'm here for four and a half days. I'm not doing any writing. I am doing some necessary work tomorrow. But I am here to rejuvenate and to re-inspire myself. I am here to make time for the thing I haven't had much time for lately: friends.

I'd like to find some balance with this new normal of working a lot and getting paid and keeping crazy hours. That's a goal for this Quarter as well and a big Challenge.

I am grateful for every penny I am earning.
I am grateful for every bead of sweat.
I am grateful for every laugh with friends.
I am grateful for every memory.
I am grateful that I can set boundaries and take what I need.

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