Saturday, September 13, 2014

Third Quarter Update: Part Two - The Final Stretch

There are 17 days left in September. That closes out the Third Quarter of 2014. Holy shit it has been a productive year.

And I say that with a lot of humility. I realize that the energy flow of the Universe moves through me, I don't control it. So I am filled with gratitude that I have tapped into my life force this year.

I enter the last half of the Third Quarter with Four Scripts completed and submitted for various programs and things.

  • a play
  • a pilot
  • a spec
  • a screenplay
And I have one final challenge that will happen at the top of the Fourth Quarter. I will be writing a pilot in a month.  Why not? If my challenge to myself this year was productivity (which I discovered well into the year), then the work I am doing at the pace and degree to which I am doing it now seems like routine. It just what is. I am conditioned to do it.

Per my usual overachieving self, I have four pilot ideas that I want to write. I won't be writing them all next month.  Certainly not! But I want to explore them all in treatments this month to see what will stick.  And I will be successful to varying degrees.  But since not setting a specific goal has worked for me so far this year, I won't be setting a goal for October.

Everyone says to set a goal and adhere to that goal.
  • 10 pages a day
  • a script in a month
  • five miles
The important thing for me is to keep going.  I write every day or do something revolved around writing every day. And that's because I have my office to go to.  That routine has become paramount in getting all of this work done over the past few months.  So even if I work on the pilot and it doesn't get done, since I am writing every day I will have succeeded.  I have a system to get work done and the system has turned out to be the best way of working because it has made me even more productive.

In order to make October as successful as possible, I need to get my treatment and story bible done on this first script. I still don't have an idea of what the pilot story is, which means I have no outline. I know who the characters are, which is great. I have started my treatment.  But now I need to get into the pilot story and find something good because this won't be a premise pilot. This world is already in progress, so it just depends on where I want it to go.

The first week of September was about finishing the screenplay.
The second week of September was about finishing a minor play rewrite for a submission.
The third week of September needs to be about my pilot.
The fourth week of September needs to be about a play rewrite and all of the Fall submissions.

So it seems kind of tight. But this week I really took it easy because I had been working on the screenplay for five weeks.  And all of that came really easy to me.

So I think I need to do the same thing with this script. I need to get the note cards out and start laying out things I'd like to happen.  Then the outline and bible will come out of that.

I'm really in awe of all the work that I've gotten done,  It's wonderful how  hard the mind can work when it is trained and warmed up.

I am grateful for work.
I am grateful for my office.
I am grateful for the support of my writing challenge group.
I am grateful for books.
I am grateful for sleep.

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