Sunday, September 28, 2014

Welcoming the Unexpected

Four months ago, who would have guessed that I would have an office that I work out of and call home. Back in May, I started a chain of events that led me to this point. I went away to write three scripts that were due at the end of the month. I had money in my pocket from two fruitful paying jobs in April. So I was able to relax and drive up to Monterey to write for a week and stay with my friend Molly. It was exactly what I needed. I wrote about it in this blog and that inspired my friend Tim to lend me his office for three weeks when I got back. Then his office mate decided to leave and I took over the office. It was a real blessing over the past four months. I know I wouldn't have completed two scripts were it not for the office. I have another script I'm writing in October and then I'm taking two months to do some rewriting.

And now it's time to move on…

Money's getting a little tighter. Tim's giving up the space and I've decided not to take it on. I had some thoughts about that this morning. And they weren't the expected freak outs of "what am I going to do now?" Being in this space for the past four months has allowed me to create a practice around my writing. I know that practice will continue. Another friend has already offered me a space in an apartment building she's thinking of purchasing. So I know I will have somewhere to go.

My space is taking me through the writing of a pilot script in October. That's as long as I need it for the year. And that frees me up. It doesn't keep me tied to my space. Maybe there's travel on the horizon. Maybe there's more work on the horizon. I see it as freedom more than anything. And I am thankful that it was there when I needed it. I will have written five scripts this year and creating this space together with Tim was a big part of that.

I'm excited because I think it means that changes are underway.

I used to be afraid of change. But I realize that a lot of personal and professional growth has happened for me when things change. I now know what a creative space looks like. I know what a creative practice looks like. And I know how to set up shop elsewhere.

I am grateful for the past four months of productivity.
I am grateful for the next month of change.
I am grateful for the ideas that are formulating around this new pilot idea.
I am grateful to have a community of writer friends.
I am grateful for what's to come.

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