Tuesday, September 30, 2014

September Review

It has been such a busy month that I only have 11 blog posts (not including this one) written. The pattern for me this year has been that the more I write, the more I blog. The busier I am with stuff, the more I had thoughts that I had to blog about. That didn't completely happen this month.  Here's a breakdown of what I got from this month based on what I was up to:

September 1-4: Workin' on my Movie

I had a screenplay due.  I had a screenplay I was trying to write in five weeks. So the first few days of the month were full of writing to get this script done. I knew I was going to be writing a new script in October, so I was trying to get all of my prep work done and wanted to finish the screenplay so I could move on to other stuff.  I finished the screenplay one day before its due date and turned it in.

September 9: Meditating for a Mentor/ Desk Fell

I had a tarot card reading that kept revealing that I would meet a woman with dark hair and dark eyes who would be a mentor to me.  I decided on this day to meditate on this woman coming into my life. So I did. And an hour later, the woman who seems to be the clearest representation of who that woman could be called me. We set up a coffee date for the following week.  Then my desk collapsed.  At the time, I took it as a sign that the Universe wanted me to go home and rest up since I had been working hard and consistently over the past five weeks. But upon thinking about it further, I think Resistance, that force that keeps us from doing the thing we are meant to be doing, was at work. There was definitely an energy push back that was going on.

September 11: Challenge

9/11. Significant for many reasons. My boyfriend and I celebrate our month anniversaries and we met on the 11th of July.  He was out of town, so I was celebrating that alone. But I had a difficult conversation with a friend. Our purposes were at odds with each other. But it reminded me that Resistance isn't too far away when you are reaching for a goal. Now I could have been upset with this person, but I understand that he was just expressing what was in him to express. Resistance had taken human form and spoke through my friend. It wasn't personal. But it had smelled what I was up to and decided to put up a road block.

September 17: Share the Wealth

This woman who might be a mentor for me had asked me to meet with someone about the theatre scene in LA. We had a great chat about life in LA and writing and trying to find your bearings.  It was a lovely conversation and I felt like I needed to share some of what I knew.

September 19: Meet Up

I had coffee with this potential mentor figure for two hours. We chatted about a lot of things and at the end of the conversation I felt inspired. She had suggested I write about a subject I've always been interested in, but never thought to write about. After our coffee, I went and worked with my friend in our office. Then I drove home and started thinking about this new idea. By the drive home, I had the entire series worked out in my head.  Then I went home and wrote it up.

September 20: Idea Share

This was our big group idea share. Eleven writers talking about their ideas and getting feedback. Glorious. It was inspiring.

Then I got together with an old group of friends and realized how much things had changed.  My life was starting to take a different shape and I was okay with that. I need different things now.

September 22-26: Working on the New Idea

So the new idea started to take shape.  I can't work on a TV idea if I don't know what the show's going to be. I can't just know what the script is going to be. It seems useless to me now if I just try to write something good in 65 pages. I have to know the world. I have to know what I'm referencing.  I need to give it a shape. And this week was putting that together.  The big lesson I had this week was patience. I just needed to let myself get into the idea. At one point, I thought I would work on two scripts, but with this new idea, I knew that one was enough.  Five scripts this year is plenty. Let's not push it.

September 27: Writers Talking

I went to a party at a friend's house to kick off this TV and Film Writing Challenge that I am working on with my playwrights group.  Had great conversations with great writers. It has been kind of terrific.  Stayed late. Past my bed time.

September 28: Change of Scenery

Got an email from my office mate that he was giving up the office. Decided not to take on the lease. I realized that I had a great five months there and it was the perfect time to move on after I finished this script in October. The office had been a great home for me and now it was time for a new home. Again, change is something I've become more comfortable with and that I now welcome.

September 30: End of the Month

Got my outline done today. I had a goal that I wanted it to be done by the time I had to start this challenge on October 1st and I finished it at the last minute. But now it's done and now I can start October on this writing challenge. I have a 12 page story bible and a three page outline. I am equipped to start working. I am not letting Resistance get me, in any of its forms. And it has been after me this month with a vengeance.  But now I know what and who I need to be surrounded by. That is the clear message I have gotten all month. And like the saying goes, when you know what you want the Universe conspires to help you get it.  And this month felt like 30 days of conspiring, setting the stage for the next part of my life.

I am grateful for insight.
I am grateful for instinct.
I am grateful for time and patience.
I am grateful for resilience.
I am grateful to know who I am.
I am grateful for September.

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