Saturday, November 1, 2014

The Art of Teaching/The Art of Learning

I have been thinking about teaching a lot lately.
I was just in San Diego filling in for two weeks for a friend of mine who was teaching two Screenwriting classes, one for undergraduates and one for grad students.
I had a great time, as I always do when I'm teaching.
I passed on some good information, I thought. And I had them laughing with me.
They seemed to be interested.
And I think they wanted me back.

I'm comfortable in front of students.
I really enjoy it.
It's community and I love sitting around and talking about writing.

Recently I took on the responsibility of organizing a month-long challenge for the Playwrights Union where we wrote either a pilot or a screenplay in a month.
The Challenge just ended, but it was great to know that there were 16 other writers
who were working on their projects at the same time I was.
We even got together to talk out our ideas a bit and get some feedback.
I didn't consider that teaching,
those writers are of considerable talent and experience.
But I love being around writers and talking about writing.

Part of me feels like it would be great to be in front of a classroom
of students again.
And part of me really thinks that my desire is to be around a group of writers,
pounding out story.
I have spent the past five months in an office, practically by myself,
writing script after script after script.
It has been glorious.
But I would really like to be around people again.
Being social would be a good thing.
And being social at work would be a great thing.

But I love teaching.
Yet, I want to learn.
I have so much to learn.
And I want to be in a position where I am learning,
so I can go back and teach better at some point.
But at some point.
Maybe not now.

I am grateful for my experience.
I am grateful for taking time to rest.
I am grateful for cold, rainy Saturday nights.

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