Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Reboot

I am in bed with my legs stretched out in a pair of gym shorts with a hoodie on. It feels good to recline. I have been sitting up at my own desk for the past five months straight. And I have been sitting up right at a desk in a library for the other five months. So to be here at home alone is a luxury.

I have nowhere to be.
I slept eight hours last night, even gained an hour with the time change and fell asleep for another couple of hours.
It is past 3:30 and all I have done today is eat, poop and watch TV.
I feel like a kid again.
Or, better yet, I feel reborn.

Of course, I know myself and it won't be long until I give myself a project to do.
I actually have plenty of things to do.
But not today.
I am drinking black tea, which is a luxury for me, since I don't do caffeine really.
Then I think I will have some marionberry pie ice cream from Tillamook dairy.
And hopefully, I will get to spend some time in quiet reflection.
Maybe the gym. But that might be too much work for today.

It is Sunday, the day of rest.
And I have not really had much real rest most of this year.

My boyfriend won't be home until 10 or 11 tonight.
That is so awesome.
I love him. But it's so nice to have some time to myself.

I don't have to deal with anyone today.
I can just think about what's next.
And not really think too hard about it.
Just rest. And reflect.

So I'm sure any of the answers I'm looking for in terms of what is ahead for me will come.

It's just nice to have a bit of a reboot every once in a while,
instead of just getting on the hamster wheel and not stopping.

I am grateful for quiet time.
I am grateful for free time.
I am grateful for reflective time.
I am grateful for my time.

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