Friday, September 16, 2016

The In-Between Times

I'm horrible with free time. I don't think I spend it all that well. I either watch You Tube videos or I buy music on iTunes or I get into trouble. Idle hands are indeed the devil's playground.

Today, I definitely had plenty to keep me busy. I had a lot of school work to do for the class I'm teaching. I've got a ton of grading to do. I gave them two big assignments that I now need to look over. I did an outline of Trainwreck, the Amy Schumer movie, to send to them to look at. I did a Glossary of Dramatic Writing terms that I prepared for them. I've got 27 short stories to read and 27 outlines to read. Friends of mine have said to me that if I give my students too much work, then I'll have too much grading to do. I like being busy and I like knowing what's on their minds. I enjoy discovering what interests them and then bring things out of them. I get totally charmed by my students every year.

I remember teaching my first class five years ago at Santa Clara, my alma mater. Those students were pretty special and really great kids. They were smart and they were irreverent and adventurous. I related to them because that's exactly how I was as a student at SCU. I admired their spunk and their rebellious quality. That's what kids should be - rebellious. They shouldn't follow the rules. They should test the waters. We should all take risks and test the waters.

I don't think I want to teach as a career, but it brings me great joy. But I want to make room for other things to happen and teaching can be a secure thing. I'm good at it and now that I've been given a few opportunities to do it, I'm able to do it. But I don't want to fall into it. I've got other things I need to be doing with my life. But inspiring young people continues to be a thrill. I kind of felt that way about our young actors on our show. I felt like a kind of mentor to them even in the short time we spent together. I like to nurture talent.

This post is supposed to be about the in-between times. When I'm not on a show or when I don't have something I'm working on. I've got this pilot I should start writing and an idea for a new play I'm researching. But I'm taking a bit of a break from that stuff - which I know is necessary, but I hate. When I stop the train, then I want to just waste time. I suppose that's a good thing. But it makes me feel unproductive. But then again, I can blog about it and at least feel like I've written something.

My intention is to create a new show.
My intention is to work a little bit every day.
My intention is to read and watch everything I can get my hands on.

I am grateful for this respite.
I am grateful for a quiet Friday night.
I am grateful for sweet relief.
I am grateful for new music.

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