Friday, September 30, 2016

Creative Crushes

Everyone who knows me knows that I crush hard on dudes all of the time. I'm a flirt. There are cute actors I work with and I never hesitate to embarrass myself by getting all giddy around them. But there are some people who I crush out on because they're freaking talented. And they're not all dudes.

Right now I'm crushing hard on my friend Jen who's an amazing director I just worked with. We definitely want to work together again. She's adorable. And really freaking intuitive and amazing. I always have said that I like directors who kind of beat me up a bit. And Jen did none of that. She was super gentle and really laid back. But all of her instincts were so dope that I just fell in love with her. Even the way we ended up working together was super cute. We were both too shy to say that we wanted to work together on this new play. We're both members of the same theatre company and neither one of us spoke up. So when we finally figured out that we wanted to work together, we both had to admit that we were totally into each other creatively. It's super sweet. I realized working with Jen that I don't need to be ripped a new one in order to produce good shit. This is the best play I've written and it came about in an incredibly loving, gentle process.

I'm super crushed out on my friend David. Everyone knows it. It's a huge joke at this point and it even was a little bit of an issue at one point. But I believe in his talent so much and think he's really the bee's knees. I don't have anyone in my life who is as open with his feelings and as unabashedly himself at all times. He can't help himself. And I'm kind of like that. I'm very slutty with the way I express my feelings. I'm totally open. He's a kindred spirit and I adore him. And he's writing this play right now that I'm totally into and I can't wait for him to finish it.

Of course, I'm crushed out on my friend Carrie who's just a delight. She's funny and sweet and also an open book. She's weird like me in the best way. She's a rare flower of a writer and all of her stuff is totally brilliant. She dresses great, too. She's got a cool sense of style that's not overworked or too thought out. It's a total extension of her character.

I'm kind of crushed out on my friend Cory's writing. He's really good. Our relationship is probably way more brotherly. But it's kind of crushy. He's just too good. He's brainy. He's not really even that nerdy. He's kind of studly, but in the body of a brainy-looking guy. I adore talking to him because I feel really smart whenever we chat.

Creative crushes are important. These are people whose work I love and who I want to work with. But they're also people who I totally have a flirty friendship with. It's because I unabashedly express how much I love them all. They all warm my heart and make me feel like I actually know something because I'm smart enough to be their friend. It's true. I'm nerdy that way.

My intention is to keep going.
My intention is to celebrate.
My intention is to relax.

I am grateful for the company of all of my creative crushes.
I am grateful for great music.
I am grateful for the repeat function on my iTunes.
I am grateful for the quiet hours I spend at the Korean Spa.

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