Sunday, October 30, 2016

Starting Something New

I had drinks and went to a show with Cory last night. He looked at me -

"What are you working on?" 

His question seemed quite suspicious. He looked at me.

"I know you've got something going on."

When I recounted this story to my friend Lisa, she said -

"Yeah, I'm not so annoyed by it any more. You write a lot."

I get restless. I can't not work on something. If I have an idea, I need to be working on it. I started working on a new play today. I'm hardly anywhere. I have one page of it. I figured out the character page and the notes. I picked a font to write it in. And I have one official page of the play. This is how I begin, just by starting with the bullshit part of opening a file and creating a title page and character page. That's when it starts to feel real to me. Am I weird? I wonder if anyone else does this?

Speaking of things that other people may or may not do - I was at my friend Ruth's house a month or so ago for a meeting. We asked where her husband was and she said that he's in Vegas writing. What? I go to Vegas to write. Another writer mentioned that it's where he likes to go because there's no temptation to go out and be among the masses. It's cheap and there are plenty ways to order in food. I remember asking myself that question - "Does anyone else do this?" But apparently I'm trending and I had no idea.

Anyway, I started working on a new play. It won't be necessarily what I work on when I go to the Korean Spa. Tomorrow, I want to work on finishing up the pilot. Then I can dedicate myself to grading my students' work during the rest of the year. And then I can focus on this new play - before I start the Year of TV Pilots I'll be starting in January.

Like I said, I can't stop. I just get the desire and inspiration to go on to the next thing. Am I afraid of stopping? Probably. Yes, there is a fear that motivates me. Is it a healthy fear? Is there such a thing? Maybe a healthy fear is a fear that keeps us safe. But being motivated by fear has to be bad for me. It just has to be. When I'm working on something, I like to clear everything else away. I finished grading the student papers.  Now this is all my time - Sunday through Thursday.

I'm excited to head to the spa. I'm looking forward to it. I'll pack a lunch. This is the beginning of new things. I've had an exciting week already with some new teaching opportunities coming my way, as well as some bites from reps. According to my horoscope, I'm set up for a good week of career stuff happening. So I should jump on that productivity train by getting work done today. Get the shit done! Finish projects so you can start collecting that coin! Get it together!

My intention is expansion.
My intention is growth.
My intention is more.
My intention is vast opportunity.

I am grateful for the week I've had.
I am grateful for the ability to be productive.
I am grateful for the theatre company, the diversity office at the WGA, the writer community I have.

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