Monday, October 31, 2016

Q4: November

I have done a lot this year and this is usually the time of year where I get ready to reflect. Thanksgiving is around the corner and even though I spend most of my year in gratitude and reflection, that's the big day of the year to be grateful. So as I approach November, that's what I think about.

Also, my horoscope tells me that this is a great week for career. And it's essentially the first week of November. Last week was pretty good in terms of a lot of smoke. This week, I'm hoping for a raging fire.

I finished my pilot rewrite sooner than I thought. And I got a note from an agent saying he wanted to read more stuff. So it seemed like the perfect time to reach out to my manager and give him an update on what was going on and to check in on him reading my latest material. I had given myself the deadline of Halloween to tell him that I had a script ready, but that I needed feedback on the two scripts he had first. Well, that conversation happened a week early. That allowed him to tell me that he had read the material and that it looked like we were ready to move forward on our plan of getting me an agent. And that has allowed me to spend the week on getting the pilot in good shape. I've done notes so far and I'm going to start the rewrite soon. The feedback I've gotten from my writer friends is that we're in good shape, so hopefully this script will turn into a strong sample. I can take my time with it a little bit more because right now my manager has a lot to go on.

I also have this new play I'm starting. I'd like to get the first 15 pages written this week to bring into my writer's group. That's the big push of the next two days. I want to start to see what I have in this new play.

Other than that, November is turning out to be a month of reconnection. I'm having coffee with a friend of mine this morning who also runs a theatre company in Chicago. On Wednesday, I'm having lunch with a friend who just finished graduate school at USC. And on Friday, I have lunch with a friend who is a working writer. Next week, I have lunches with some industry folks. This is a part of the gig that I haven't done in such a focused way in a long time. Networking November! I have no problems talking to people, but I also like sitting down and doing the work.

I'm trying to be more social so that I don't end up being a total hermit. It's easy to do that because I'm happy at home writing. I've had the excuse of having a lot of work to do. I don't easily have that excuse right now. I've been getting work done. And now I am planning for what's happening next year with the writing. I've got pilot ideas to come up with. I've got to have four solid ideas that I want to work on next year. Wow. That's intimidating. I have no idea what that's going to look like.

My intention is expansion.
My intention is to focus.
My intention is to be still and allow.

I am grateful for interesting conversations about theatre.
I am grateful to have plenty of things to focus on.
I am grateful for my creative partnerships.

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