Monday, July 21, 2014

Co-Host Week.

It's a short work week for me this week.  I'm going camping with my boyfriend Thursday through Sunday just to get away.  I need some time to shut off the brain and be out in nature.  We're going up to Northern California.  Ten hours north to Eureka CA.  I have no idea what we're doing or what we're going to see while we're up there.  I just know that it's going to be quiet and alone time with my honey.

Until then…

I've got co-hosts all week, as if I was on The View.

Today's Co-Host was my friend Cory who met me at a hipster coffee shop in Silverlake called Broome Street.  I felt defiantly uncool in my bright madras shirt from the Gap and my Gap jeans.  I struggle with how cool I should be in this neighborhood.  Really.  It's where my office is, but some times it can be a little much.

We ran into someone he knew and who was meeting someone else he knew.  It did make me feel like the world is a tiny, tiny place.  Everyone seemed so much hipper than me.  But I guess that's always the case in my head.

Cory and I talked about writing for TV and how difficult that can be.  We chatted about friends and creativity and living in LA.  It was a great chat.  It got me pumped for the week.  I came back and worked on some pitches that I'm putting together.  Then I grabbed lunch and an outdoor chat with Tim, my good friend and office mate.  I think I'm going to read the rest of the afternoon and be a bit mellow.

Tomorrow, I'm doing some serious pitching with my friend Alanna.   And Wednesday, I'm getting together with my good friend David to chat and relate and maybe get some stuff done.  I like having co-hosts in my life.  They keep me company.  It's the same as having co-hosts on a road trip.  The 5 is a less lonely place when I've got someone just in the car with me.  Even if we don't say a word to each other.  I feel less alone.  That's why writing in this office with Tim is great.  We don't talk a lot, but it's good to have another body there.  And to know that I could bug him if I needed to.

I am grateful to share this week with great writer friends.
I am grateful that I have some ideas I feel strongly about.
I am grateful that this space is becoming my own.
I am grateful for fresh air.
I am grateful for good vibes.

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