Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I Want Everything

One of my favorite Barbra Streisand songs goes like this:

I want to learn what life is for
I don't want much, I just want more
Ask what I want and I will sing
I want everything (everything)
I'd cure the cold and the traffic jam
If there were floods, I'd give a dam
I'd never sleep, I'd only sing
Let me do everything (everything)
I'd like to plan a city, play the cello
Play at Monte Carlo, play Othello
Move into the white house, paint it yellow
Speak Portuguese and dutch
And if it's not too much
I'd like to have the perfect twin
One who'd go out as I came in
I've got to grab the big brass ring
So I'll have everything (everything)
I'm like a child who's set free
At the fun fair
Every ride invites me
And it's unfair
Saying that I only
Get my one share
Doesn't seem just
I could live as I must
If they'd
Give me the time to turn a tide
Give me the truth if once I lied
Give me the man who's gonna bring
More of everything
Then I'll have everything
Is it greedy to want everything? Or is it just an expression of a mentality of expansiveness? That last question sounds like I've been doing a lot of manifestation work and reading a lot of new agey self-help books. It sounds like I've been dumped in a big pool of The Secret. So far next year, I've committed to teaching three classes, coming back for season three of my show, running our writer's group from January to April, organizing a reading and a workshop, and directing a workshop in June.
I remember the Psychic's words - you're going to be busier than you ever thought you'd be. It seems like at least the first half of 2017 is shaping up to be that. I figure if the Universe is bringing these opportunities to me, I should take them. Who knows where all of this will lead?
I was talking to my best friend Alanna this morning about this very subject. She said, "Do everything." She mentioned that all of my teaching is serving my writing. It's all a part of the same mission. Being in front of my class and lecturing on the very principles I'm applying as a writer helps my work in the room and in pitching. And my work experience makes me a very desirable professor. I had thought about not taking all of this on because maybe it's too much to do or maybe it's too greedy. However, I realize that I have to keep these doors open in order to be able to go back and forth, which is what I want to do. It's a lot to take on and I might be driving myself crazy, because I also have to write four pilots next year.
At the end of the day, this is what I want to do. I want expansion. I want to do it all. A year ago, I had no work and I would have given my right (and left) nut for any of these things to happen. I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth. And the truth is, I want to do it all. I like the idea of teaching graduate students. I like teaching no more than 10 students. And if I want to get in at an LA school, which would make my life much easier going back and forth between work and teaching, then I should probably get in at a local school. Ultimately, I want to do both like my hero in graduate school, Charlie. But I want to have a big career as a showrunner. And in order to do that, I've got to be out staffing and working. I'm not viable to anyone if I'm just teaching.
Everything feeds everything. The theatre company feeds my soul and allows me to produce and support other writers as well as see my work up. This is exactly where I want to be. I want to be producing original work. I want to start directing, so that eventually I will be directing and producing my own television shows. I want to have a production company. It's not just about writing and teaching. This is all a part of the progressive plan. 
I don't know why if you had the opportunity to create and run your own show why you wouldn't. Right now in TV there are no boundaries in what someone can do. You can go from staff writer to showrunner in the course of one job. With digital media, things are changing rapidly. Who knows how long this bubble will last? But it seems like the right time to get involved and do as much as you can. I'm doing EVERYTHING now because eventually I want to be doing EVERYTHING. This is my own Showrunner's Training Program. It's my own post-graduate work. The classroom is my own writer's room. My couch is my own production office. The library is my own conference room. I'm not waiting for these things to happen. I'm making them happen now.
So I guess I have no choice but to do everything. I already am.
My intention is rapid growth.
My intention is YES.
My intention is expansion.
I am grateful for quick yeses.
I am grateful for enthusiasm about me and my work.
I am grateful for good friends.
I am grateful for the people in my life who love me.

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