Friday, November 18, 2016

What the Psychic Said, Revisited

About five months ago, I met a psychic in a Korean Spa. He said some things to me that I wanted to hear and that I liked hearing. But I'm also getting the feeling that what he said is starting to come to fruition.

Here's the original post:

Maybe I have taken what he said I've started to visualize it or believe it and therefore it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Or maybe he sensed the energy. Here's a recap of what he said:

  • I'm going to be busier than I ever thought I'd be - Well, this week has been a big indication that life starting in January might be super crazy busy. I am teaching two courses, there may be a third at another school, and I there might be some writing work coming. I'm not busy yet, but I can feel it coming. I'm also taking over my company's Writer's Group for a few months while my friend Brian goes and does a play at Steppenwolf. And I'm directing a play workshop in June. I welcome this amount of work. I remember when the psychic told me that in June, I thought, that sounds about right. It definitely resets the rest of the year and lights a fire under my ass to get some things done. I also had an idea for something new today - a play that could also possibly be a TV show.
  • I'll ultimately take a break from being so busy and will be financially stable enough to take that break - That's to be seen. But it also feels like how I'd like my life to be. Really busy, then a break. This feels like the way I want to live more than anything else.
  • The pilot I'm writing is going to be the thing that launches me. - It feels more like the play I've written is going to be the thing. But  that's only because I think the play is the best thing I've written. But you never know what's going to set you on your course. I think the pilot's good too.
  • I have a community of writers who admire me and affirm me - That is true. This was probably the statement he made that I believed the most. And then it became easier to tap into what he was saying. Also, I was already tapping into his energy, with or without hearing what he had to say. His energy felt genuine to me, which is why what he said resonated. My community continues to support me and make me feel like I actually know what I'm doing.
  • I'll be moving back to LA soon - I feel that.
  • Ride the Wave - I can feel the wave building. I remember when he made these predictions, I wanted them to be true right then. But everything takes time. And as I finished the pilot and had the play workshop, I felt something changing. I've become more involved in my theatre company since he made those predictions. I am doing a lot with the company coming up this Fall and Winter.
Of course, it's temping to believe a psychic when they tell you positive things. Everyone likes to be affirmed. But this experience felt like more than that. I've had the experience of some people seeing into me. I've got open energy and people can be drawn to that. It certainly draws me into intuitive energy. When I told my friend Christopher earlier this month that I was thinking about directing, he looked at me and said, "Yeah, I think that might be the next thing for you." This is a guy who knows theatre and has worked with some of the best directors in the business. For him to take what I said seriously and to agree that the choice to start directing seems like a good direction for me to go in is a good sign.

I'm saying YES to everything right now. I remember my friend Caitlin gave me that advice years ago after a break up. I have expansive energy. Everything I do expands into bigger opportunities.  I start out a job and then that turns into a bigger opportunity. It has happened with every job I have had. So sometimes I worry that I'm expanding too much. Ride the Wave. Okay, I'm going to take that advice. I can't be afraid of expansion. It's great to be that overwhelmed.

This year has given me so much that it's hard to believe. I don't want to fill my life so much with these other things that are wonderful and bring me great pleasure that I don't leave room for other new adventures. I need to stay open. I need to stay positive. And I need to ride the wave.

My intention is openness.
My intention is YES.
My intention is joy.

I am grateful for this week.
I am grateful for the now.
I am grateful for my theatre community.

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