Thursday, January 30, 2014

New Voice

I was recently asked to describe in 300 words or less what makes me a new voice.

That's a great question.  One that I've answered in some version or other in applications to fellowships and development opportunities in both theatre and TV over the past ten years.  I have gone through several emotions in reaction to that question over the years.

Initially, I think I wanted to prove how deserving I was.  I really thought about what made my voice fresh and new.  And it's always coupled with the phrase "what from your background", which is code for tell us how your ethnic diversity makes you special.  I could get offended by that phrase (and I have) but it's not worth my time.  That sort of institutionalized insensitivity is so prevalent that it's easier to acknowledge it and move on.

Then I went into being resentful that I had to answer that question over and over again because I kept getting rejected from the programs that asked me that question several times.  That was a fun time.

And now I'm here.  Not feeling like I need to prove myself.  But not feeling pissed off either.  I have reached the "just right" stage.

So what do I say?  What makes me a new voice?

I see the world differently.  I always have.
Maybe that's because I'm gay.
Maybe it's because I have a memory like an elephant and can summon up TV and movie references at the drop of a hat.
Maybe it's because I'm Mexican and Chinese from a working class background and I'm constantly humbled and grateful that I've gotten as far in this business as I have.
Maybe it's because I listen to Mariah Carey and Philip Glass and Stephen Sondheim.
Maybe it's because I write both comedy and drama and comedy mixed with drama and drama mixed with comedy.
Maybe it's because I believe there's comedy in everything.
Maybe it's because I like to chair dance while I'm writing.
Maybe it's because I say things no one else will say.
Maybe it's because the cheese stands alone.
Maybe it's because I'm more perceptive than most people.
Maybe it's because I'm open-minded.
Maybe it's because I think anything's possible.
Maybe it's because I'm not monogamous--in relationships, in my cultural taste, in my desire for experiences, in my sense of adventure.
Maybe it's because I want to bring back the writer as cultural barometer and talk show staple.
Maybe it's because I'm the future.
Maybe it's because I'm from another era.
Maybe it's because I'm full of myself.
Maybe it's because I finally accept myself.
Maybe it's because I'm fun.
Maybe it's because I like to play with structure and space and time in my plays.
Maybe it's because I'm experimental.
Maybe it's because I love story and character.
Maybe it's because I love songs that tell stories.
Maybe it's because I am influenced by things other than TV.
Maybe it's because I'm influenced by things other than film.
Maybe it's because I'm influenced by things other than theatre.
Maybe it's because I'm me, muthafucka!

That's a lot of reasons.

I'm grateful that my friend Ken is recommending me for this opportunity.
I'm grateful that I have the opportunity to express who I know I am to people so they can see who I am as well.
I'm grateful that I have a great play I know will blow them away.
I'm grateful to sit in the knowledge that I am enough.
I'm grateful to have the opportunity to explain myself and put myself out there.
I'm grateful that I am still considered a new voice.

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