Saturday, August 30, 2014

Baptism by Procrastination

I'm sitting with my feet up in my mother's air conditioned room, typing away on my blog.  Not on my screenplay.  I am listening to music on iTunes.  Nothing related to my screenplay.  I spent the night here, so I could work on organizing her kitchen after she had pest control come spray.  I went to my boyfriend's gig last night.  I didn't work on my screenplay.  I have been emailing with my friend Elyzabeth on her script, not working on my own.

Ah, more writer's procrastination, you might say.  Get back to work!

This is the thing.  I feel cleansed.

I washed every dish and utensil in her house because of the spraying that had been done.  Also, she had bugs, so I wasn't sure what had been crawled on and pooped on.  So I had to wash everything clean.  A lot of silent, repetitive action.  It felt meditative.  It felt like something someone would have monks do to clear their mind.  It felt like the household chore assigned to me by Mr. Miyagi before he made me practice my karate.

I had spent the week writing. I finished the screenplay on Monday. I worked on another project and read six scripts on Tuesday and Wednesday.  On Thursday, I got back to writing notes on the screenplay.  On Friday, I index carded some new scenes.  So even though I think I've been taking it slow this week, I have been working my ass off.  Today was a nice change of pace.

So now the second load of dishes is being washed.   Mostly everything has been put back.  Liners have been put in the drawers.  Her house looks pretty wonderful.  It's cleared out.  It's orderly.  And the anxiety has subsided.

I took a shower.  I'm clean.

I truly feel baptized.  Clean.  All of the dirt and the stress and the bad thoughts have gone down the drain.

And I'm ready to get back to work.

I am grateful for a clean house.
I am grateful for relaxation.
I am grateful for the Dixie Chicks.
I am grateful for the work I have been doing.
I am grateful for everything I have.
I am grateful for peace of mind.

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