Saturday, June 11, 2016

A Few Days Off

I try to make time for reflection at some point during my day. I pride myself on trying to achieve balance in my busy life. I've gotten away to the Bay Area once already this year. I head to Sonoma and San Francisco/Santa Clara next week. And Portland at the end of the month for nine days. But the past few days, I haven't wanted to do any work. I have a pitch I need to continue to work on, but I've been working on that while working on the finale script for the show. There has been no break.

I finished a larger version of the pitch a couple of days ago. They still have questions. I need to address those. But ever since Thursday, I've been feeling like I need to rest. Thursday's not that long ago. It was a day and a half ago, and yet, I'm feeling like I've been on a break for a week. It's good to work hard. I prefer it to having nothing to do. But I also need to replenish myself. Part of my brain says, "Keep working through it because you have some breaks coming up." And part of me thinks, "I need a break now. Plus those breaks." The truth is that I'm always working--even if I'm on vacation or not. My brain continues to put things together.

Yesterday, I went to a Korean Spa and spent several hours in silence. That was beautiful. I might go do that again soon. It was such a delight. Actually, I spent Wednesday at a Korean Spa. That was not in silence, I met a Psychic there. [Check out that blog post] He said something important - the body knows what it wants. He meant that in terms of food and diet. But I think the body also knows when it's time to rest. Whether or not I want to admit how much work has happened over the past two and a half years--well, I have no problem admitting it because I write about it on this blog all of the time--it does not always sink in. Or the physical realities don't sink in. The amount of physical and mental exertion it takes to write 3000 pages in two years is something. That's not just a number. That's energy and concentration. I'm also a little slumpier because I didn't start my day exercising. I find that when the day starts that way, I do have more energy. I just haven't felt like it the past two days. That's okay. There's nothing wrong with it. And I'm having a lazy Saturday. There's nothing wrong with that.

Rest is important. So is spending time with loved ones. I had some social time this week, which was nice. I realize that when I'm working, I don't see anybody. So when I've got more free time, I need to spend it with friends and family. This Portland trip is the first major getaway this year. I did the Bay Area for four days and Las Vegas for four days. The Las Vegas trip, however, was a work trip. It was a good work trip. Productive in a ton of ways. And I spent time with my godmother, which I needed to do as well. I'm trying to make time for the people in my life.

The psychic also said that this pilot I'm writing is the launching pad. So I need to finish it. I'm getting closer and closer. I would like to finish a draft of that before I leave town on Friday. That's a soft goal, right? And the execs probably want some more thoughts on the story arc for this one character. And I've got four scripts to read. Plus trying to convince my theatre company to produce the play I wrote last year. And we've got a workshop coming in August. Take a breath. Go in that order. The theatre who you're reading the plays for hasn't asked for them yet. Make that the last priority. Convincing the theatre can wait until the next company meeting in July. And the workshop isn't until August--lean on them for casting and you've already got some feelers out for directors. Then the last two items that are equally as important. The pitch is about the show the execs are developing with me, so that takes the biggest priority right now. And I want to get this pilot done. So I have to work on those simultaneously. That's fine. That's just the way it's going to be. I'm not going to worry about it too hard. I'm just going to get to work.

After I finish Chef's Table Season Two on Netflix. I've got one more episode left. And it's research for both my series and my pilot. Multitasking. That's what I do. When I'm not getting metaphysical advice at the Korean Spa and clearing my head. Both are of equal importance right now.

I am grateful for inspiration.
I am grateful for gray days in LA.
I am grateful for quiet moments.
I am grateful for Korean Spas.
I am grateful for focus.
I am grateful for integrating thoughts.
I am grateful for vacations.
I am grateful for my family.
I am grateful for the things I love.
I am grateful for writing.
I am grateful for my career.

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