Monday, October 21, 2013

A Place of Yes: Walking Affirmations (for Two), Part Two

Just as a point of reference, I have actually been re-reading Bethenny Frankel's book, A Place of Yes, recently.  I read it a couple of years ago after an interesting transitional year when I broke up with an ex, left a job, started a new one, then put my career on hold for a year to care for my ailing father.  I was teaching at the time and looking for some new plays to buy when Borders was going out of business.  I had been a fan of Bethenny Frankel's and saw the book and decided to check it out.  I read it cover to cover in about a day and a half.  I then lent it to a friend, who was going through some challenging times and then thought she could use it.  She still hasn't read it all the way through.

But yesterday, online, I saw that it was now available as a free e-book, so I decided to download it and revisit it.  The subject of the book came up as we were discussing "The Secret" and the Dalai Lama.  I'm not saying that Frankel's book is on the level of that. But I found some helpful things in the book.  And it was also an example of an ordinary person who had learned some things and offered to share her insights.  Kind of what I'm doing on this blog.  

After Susan and I had our conversation about the Ego, we decided to set forth some intentions for ourselves and share them.  Sharing's an important part of visualizing because it means that you are taking the step of sharing your vision for yourself with someone else.  And it means that you are putting it out into the Universe, where it can be vulnerable and subject to ridicule.  But it can also be subject to lots of support and encouragement as well.  And you just might find that people might be willing to share their own insight just because you shared yours.  We joke around that "sharing is caring."  But it really is.

I wanted to get back to visualizing.  Now that we talked about Ego and Humility, I wanted us to get back on our original intention: visualizing what we want to have happen in the week ahead.  It's Monday, after all, and we should get the week off to a good start.

I Want A Yes in the Room

Susan is pitching a project.  So she has decided that she wants the studio to buy the project in the room. I love this!  

When you pitch a project, the highest vote of confidence is for an executive to buy your project in the room, right after you've pitched it.  And this is also Susan saying that her work is worthy of that.  We should all walk into a room and have that absolute certainty.  

Susan was the person who got me started on all of these visualizations and affirmations.  After our most recent tarot card reading, she suggested that I start visualizing.  The cards had confirmed that.  And a reading I had a year and a half prior also said the same thing.  Visualization would be important for me. Because I'm a person with a very strong will, I understood that.  When I want something to happen, it does.  But when I get in my own way, I stay stuck.  So my will works equally in the opposite direction.  I know this about myself, so now I am making a conscious effort to stay on top of my intentions.  I am a writer, so I understand the power and value of words.  We tell ourselves things all of the time that don't seem negative.  I'm smart enough to avoid (for the most part) the outright negative stuff. But the stuff that's disguised as humility or "not jinxing myself" is harder to sort out.   But once you start making those choices to put forth positive affirmations, then specifics become more important.  Word choice, for example, is paramount.

And YES is one of the strongest words out there.

I nodded and thought about that idea of "a YES in the room."  I mulled it over and supported it.  Then there was a pause in the conversation.  It was my turn.

I Want Everything I'm Applying For to Be a Yes

Susan smiled.

I am applying for jobs, for fellowships, for prizes.  And I want them all to be a YES.  I have friends who make their living and spend their time traveling to work on creative projects that they have been commissioned for.  I have friends who get money to develop new plays.  I have friends who get money to develop new pilots.  I have friends who are in fellowship programs at TV studios and are guided by industry professionals.  I have friends who make their living doing this.  And I am applying for a lot of different play development and TV development opportunities.  

I want them all to come back with a YES.  And now I've said it out loud.  And in print.

It is said that when you want something and put energy behind it, the Universe conspires to help you get it.  

Ben Grimm of the Fantastic Four used to say: "It's Clobberin' Time!"  Well...

"It's Conspirin' Time!"

I want my life to be about writing plays, writing TV, writing blogs, getting paid, getting to travel because of my work, getting to speak to other like-minded people who are influential because of my work and to live an integrated life where my soul and my ambition are united.  

"So..." Susan said, "I want a Yes in the Room..."

"And I want ALL yeses."

We continued our full support of one another.  And in full consciousness of what we want.

And all of that by 10 AM.  That's a good start to a good week.

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