Wednesday, August 24, 2016

K Spa Writing Tour: Day Four, Addendum

I came home at 8:30 PM.
I was at Wi Spa for 14 hours.
I didn't really write anything.
I watched my Real Housewives of New York City finale - and watched the shit hit the fan.
I had a glass of wine and two pieces of chocolate - rewarding myself for committing to being in a space of productivity for the day. Even though I didn't get all the work done I wanted to, I was productive.
I didn't waste any time.

I kept going around and around with myself, trying to figure out what was blocking me.
I realized that the technical scenes I was freaking out about because I didn't want them to be inauthentic.
So I decided to write the stuff I knew I could write easy that didn't require any technical jargon.
And I got to the end.

Tomorrow, I'll tackle the technical stuff.
Maybe at one of the Korean Spas.
Maybe not.
But I'll get it done on time.

So those 14 hours were useful after all.

Stats for the day:
Location: Wi Spa
Hours: 14
Pages: 0

Second location: Home
Hours: 2
Pages: 8

My intention is to stay the course.
My intention is to keep typing.
My intention is to finish.

I am grateful for the ability to not give up.
I am grateful for the early morning this morning.
I am grateful for encouraging emails and phone calls.
I am grateful that sleepy time is happening soon.
I am grateful for rest.

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