Saturday, August 6, 2016

Ex-August-ed Already

After the business of the first half of the year, I entered July feeling like I needed to get back on my game. June was pretty non-eventful. I think I was just tired. When I got back from Portland, I got energized. I rewrote a play for my workshop this month and I worked out the full outline re-breaking of my pilot. 

Then a couple of weeks ago I looked at my August calendar. And it was packed. If I thought June was lazy and July was getting warmed up, then August was going to be full-throttle. I was on set most of the week producing my first episode of TV. More on that in another post…

Next week I start out on set on and then transition into the first two days of the play workshop. That's my element working with six actors, my director in a rehearsal hall and really digging into it. Then have this pilot to finish and get to my manager before I go into the third week of August…

Where I'll be in production for the season finale. So it's back to TV production and learning that.

Then it's back in the fourth week to the final part of the workshop and rewriting and rehearsing for a reading at the end of the month. 

I'm tired just writing about it. But also thrilled and excited. It's going to be a great month of balancing theatre and TV, creativity and commerce, and splitting my brain in two. This is my life and it's pretty rad.

My intention for this month is to ride the wave.
My intention for this month is to work hard and realize everything.
My intention for this month is to shine.

I am grateful for a full, active, creative and working life.
I am grateful for the entities that help all of this happen.
I am grateful for the trust people have in me.
I am grateful for the stage to showcase all I can do.

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