Thursday, August 25, 2016

K Spa Writing Tour: Day Off

For the past four days, I have been writing in Korean Spas. And writing about writing in Korean Spas. It has been a delight and a joy to have that luxury and that level of productivity. But when you've been doing something for four days straight, you have to take a break. I'm not taking a break from writing, but I'm taking a break from going to another spa today. My skin is as soft and as clear as it needs to be right now. If I don't take a break, I'm not going to appreciate it the way that I usually do.

I didn't get any writing done at the spa yesterday. But when I got home, I did. I was getting stuck and forcing myself to get unstuck wasn't sticking. I didn't get nervous, the way I usually do. I accepted that being stuck was going to be the thing. Or better, I accepted that I was at the spa and I should enjoy the spa. So I slept and I soaked and I engaged in conversations with two couples visiting. I listened to stories and I lived my own story. It was terrific in that way. And now today, I have the day off.

What am I going to do with my day off from the spa?
I slept in - at least compared to yesterday when I woke up at 5 AM. I woke up at 6:42 this morning. That's a whole hour and 42 minutes of sleep. I think I went to bed around 11:30. So…seven hours. That's pretty terrific.
I've meditated already this morning. I'm having breakfast now and I'm doing a foot soak for my right foot which has a little athlete's foot.

Then I think I'm going to shower and get to work. I have seven scenes from the pilot to complete. I'm going to let it be as long as it needs to be and then cut. My manager wants this pilot down to about 52 or 53 pages. Maybe 55. That was the original assignment. To cut five pages. That turned into three months of revamping and cutting stuff, yet also adding stuff. I'm learning lessons every day - what happens when I have a script that I could bang out in under a month and I take three months? I've been busy, sure. But having that amount of time to think and sit with the idea and see if it sticks - that's not a bad thing at all.

I need to run some errands. I need to see about my passport renewal.  I need to turn in my paper work and a check to the WGA. I need to do a lot of shit. I need to go to the printer and print a copy of the pilot once I finish. So I need to finish before 4 PM basically. Because I have rehearsal downtown at 6:30 for the play. And then it's play time. That's easy. I just have to listen to the play being read again. And comment. And listen. And be ready to rewrite.

Then I can go back tomorrow and maybe spend the day at the K Spa if I need to. Or maybe I can get work done and give myself the reward of going to a K Spa and just relaxing.

My intention is to take a leap.
My intention is to take a leap.
My intention is to take a leap.

I am grateful for my morning meditation.
I am grateful for grey skies.
I am grateful for a chill in the air.
I am grateful for morning rituals.
I am grateful for relaxing foot soaks.
I am grateful for a steady stream of thoughts and ideas.
I am grateful for my producers, director and actors.

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