Monday, August 22, 2016

K-Spa Writing Tour: Day Two

I embarked on a Korean Spa writing tour of my local Korean spas that are great places to write in. You never know who you're going to meet. Yesterday, I wrote about my experience at Irvine Spa, where I was for 12 hours. Today, I had a haircut and on the way home I stopped at Natura Spa in Koreatown. It was great. I had a blast. It's a much smaller operation. There are separate male and female areas, no common area. The men's section has its own kitchen and lounge. I like Natura - been going there for years. It's cheaper than Irvine Spa and I can also stay there all day. I was there for about 8 hours today. That was plenty, but I got a lot of stuff done as well and engaged in one very interesting conversation.

Today was about shedding dead weight. I got a haircut today and cut off most of my hair. I tend to like to ritualize experiences. The end of production on the show was the end of a six month process for me. So I memorialized it by chopping off my hair. Then I went to Natura Spa and got a full body scrub - got rid of a bunch of dead skin cells. And of course, I had work to do. I got a good amount done. But then I engaged in a full artistic conversation with two guys who were pretty attractive and a lot of fun.

I was in the steam room and this hot Latin guy started doing sit ups and planks and all sorts of yoga poses - even a headstand. Another guy broke the ice and told him he was showing off. Then we all started joking around and took our conversation to the jacuzzi. I don't know how we got on the subject of art and putting one's self out there. But we did. Our hot Latin is a dancer, which I believe, and a writer, which I'm less certain about. But the three of us stood in the hot tub talking about artistic motivation and entitlement to one's creativity and all sorts of esoteric bullshit you talk about when naked in a tub with other dudes. The sexual energy was definitely there. I let the two of them handle that while I went to grab some dinner at the cafe before last call.

Then I got engaged in a conversation with the other guy after he finished up with our Latin friend. We've both been kicking around for awhile in the biz and had lots of stories to share. Lots of similarities. He seemed cool and we chatted for a couple of hours. I love talking to new people. That stimulated some thought. Fortunately, I had gotten as far as I could get with the script. I didn't feel like he was pulling me away from anything. And frankly, the conversation was pretty interesting.

It was a productive trip all around. Here are the stats:

Location: Natura Spa
Hours: 8
Pages: 16

Now a lot of those pages were full rewriting. I am now in the part of the script where there's a lot of heavy lifting. I'm rearranging scenes. I'm adding scenes. I'm taking lots of notes. I did a lot of note taking today. I knew I wasn't going to finish - even though I had such a productive day yesterday. I'm doing  a lot of scribbling in my script of things I want to think about. I had a conversation with my director over the phone as well and we both agreed on the scenes I need to write. Even though I didn't write as much per se, I got a lot done. Sometimes it's not about page count.

My intention is to be open to new experiences.
My intention is to have fun.
My intention is to write as much as I can this week.
My intention is to work hard on the play.

I am grateful for random conversations.
I am grateful for bibimbap.
I am grateful for the fun I am having.
I am grateful to have so many projects.
I am grateful for my friendships.

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