Sunday, July 16, 2017

Weekend at Billy's

This weekend did not end with someone dying and being propped up.

Every year, I spend one weekend at my friend Bill's house at an annual party. I get the chance to reconnect with my community here, which is really Bill's circle of friends. I've known Bill for twelve years since we met at a pool in Palm Springs without our clothes on during Fourth of July weekend. I've been up to his Sonoma house because of parties with hot guys. I've stayed here for my birthday before in the winter. I've been up at the house with different boyfriends. I love Bill because he's a great friend and always has great people around him.

He's also a great example of someone thriving in his 60s, staying active in both his work and his social life. Even though Bill has money and has a thriving life, he's grounded and our conversations about life and career are aways mutually beneficial. Right now, it's after 11:30 PM and I'm sitting outside at a table in his backyard, with a string of lights above me and my laptop out. I came here for relaxation and to get away from how busy my life has been. And I'm sure glad I did.

I was supposed to read some scripts this weekend. One of them I got through. And the two others I will pick up tomorrow morning and give writers' notes. The two scripts I started reading have some issues, so I wasn't compelled to finish them yet. I didn't want to spend such a beautiful night in this beautiful place reading scripts I wasn't excited about. I'd rather write in my blog and reflect on the weekend.

I drove up Friday morning and I did the thing I always do on this long drive to the Bay Area. I did it in silence - for the most part. I had some music on in the beginning of the trip. But most of it was spent quietly reflecting on life. I have done this quiet drive from LA to the Bay Area for the past five or six years. It's my favorite way to spend the drive. I don't know what compelled me to do it in the first place, but I love the silence.

Then I got to Bill's and we packed up and headed to Sonoma. The conversation on the way up was good as always. We caught up on what's going on with our mutual friends Thomas, Scott, and Shawn who weren't going to be there this weekend. These guys are my touchstones and the guys I know the best out of his group. I was nervous that I wasn't going to have anyone to talk to. But I knew I'd have time in the kitchen with Rafael and time hanging out at the pool with Ventura. I knew there would be dancing and laughing, but I didn't know there would also be high heels and wigs. Spending so much time lately trying to get this new pilot script done and out the door left me with a serious need to play dress up. I told Bill about the guy who I might have a connection with. We got to the house and then made it to a local winery for some tasting. Then Ventura and Rafael arrived and we went to dinner. We laughed so much and then came back and danced, drank and put on a fashion show of our looks for the party the next day. I didn't think about my writing at all. I wasn't worried about a deadline. I could just be silly and have fun.

The next morning we woke up and got ready for the party, I was on guacamole duty and food prep with Rafael while Bill and Ventura got the house ready with rainbow flags. Guests started arriving. We started drinking. We got in the pool and I had a speedo on. Then we changed and went to this outdoor dance party and came back to the house later that night and had a lot more fun. I ended up skinny dipping with this married guy named Jack and we had an incredible conversation about relationships and sexuality. We made a connection and I went to bed feeling enlightened.

This morning I woke up and started cleaning up the kitchen from the night's debauchery. Then Bill came and got me to head to the local deli and market for some breakfast. We sat in the deli and chatted about the night before and recounted funny stories while trying to make sure a young, unsupervised boy did not pull the fire alarm again in the market. We were joined later by our friends and then we headed off to the pool for an afternoon of hanging out in our respective speedos telling jokes and making each other laugh. Then we went to dinner for our friend Mickey's birthday and had ice cream. Everyone else went back to SF. Bill and I are staying here one last night before driving back to SF tomorrow so I can drive down to San Jose and see my college friends for dinner.

Bill and I sat outside after coming back home and we chatted about our work habits. Our constant need to communicate with people articulately through email. Our attention to detail. Our obsession with organization and clarity. As I'm more of a professional than I've ever been, listening to Bill's stories about the way he works reinforced that I have a method to working that works. There were a lot of similarities in the way that we both work. And Bill has been very successful. It let me know that I am on the right track.

Being with Bill and the caliber of his friends was a good litmus test for the relationships - both professional and personal - that I want to have. Yes, Bill has money and status and two incredible homes. But his homes are populated with the most supportive group of friends. And Bill has such a generosity of spirit when it comes to welcoming people in his home. We talked a lot about community. He asked who my posse is in LA. And I talked about Cory and Dominic - my writers posse. We talked about my Gay Latino Writers Group. I realized that I have so many communities in my life of people who support me. I'm always running off to something. This week alone I am starting out leaving Sonoma and my SF community. Then I go to see my Santa Clara community of former teachers, colleagues and classmates. I'm returning to LA on Tuesday specifically to attend a WGA LGBT writers committee meeting with the Gay Latino Writers. I have another WGA event on Wednesday. Then my theatre company has a bimonthly event on Thursday. And Friday I'm having lunch with my friend David who I haven't seen in awhile to just catch up. These are my people. This is my group. This is who takes up my time when I'm not writing. I've got a great posse. I'm really lucky.

I say that from under the stars in wine country. I say that as a sit in a pair of shorts and a long sleeved cotton cashmere t-shirt. I say that outside my good friend Bill's home. I say that looking out at the vineyard. I say that being on this beautiful property I can call part of my home away from home in the Bay Area.

My intention is to rest.
My intention is to recharge.
My intention is to relax.
My intention is to enjoy.

I am grateful for the warm heart and hospitality of old friends.
I am grateful for the sincere love shown to me.
I am grateful to have time to just be and sleep.
I am grateful to be single.
I am grateful that I am here alone.
I am grateful that this is where I feel at peace right now.

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