Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Another Santa Monica Run

My run on the beach felt so good that I decided to go back.

I'm on a mission.  A mission for health.  A mission for strength.  A mission to discover what I am made of NOW.

My whole life I have been a fighter.  On the playground.  In the classroom.  On the mean streets of New York.  And in the topsy-turvy wonderland that is Hollywood.

And now it's a different kind of struggle.  I want the body I deserve and the life I deserve.  Running is focusing me and preparing me for that.

Again, no real affirmation yesterday.  I thought about some things, but my mind remained pretty focused and clear.  I focused on the beach ahead of me and around me.  I focused on my breathing.  I focused on my legs that felt strong.

I'm working on cutting through all of the bullshit of my life.  Running's a great metaphor for that.

I ran longer yesterday.  I ran to the Annenberg Beach House and walked around a bit.  It was really beautiful.

These runs are really clarifying.  They help me focus on what's ahead and not on what's behind me.

I'm not running this morning because my legs are tired and I've got errands to run.

But maybe I'll run tonight or just later.  That might be a nice change of pace.

What new things will I find out about myself then?

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