Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Looking Forward to June

I don't know why, but June feels like a fresh start.

This year so far has been productive and I feel like I'm standing on the shoulders of that productivity. But June feels like a new, fresh start to me. And that's good. I have trips planned this month, so maybe I'm feeling like I'm looking forward to getting out of town.

I'll still be working on the rewrites for my finale script. But I'm officially on the other side of that experience. I do have one more pay check coming in for that. But otherwise, I'm on the other side of the experience. I'm now settled in my work again. I have three scripts that need my attention. And I'd like to handle them - one, two, three.

1) The rewrite of the pilot that my manager asked me to rework. I have had to push working on it because of the script I was writing for the show. But now it's the top priority.

2) The rewrite of the pilot I've been working on since the Fall. This is probably the fourth draft of it. I haven't really shown it to anyone, other than friends. So this will be the first draft I'll be showing my manager. I'd like to get that done this month as well, since the outline has been waiting for me for three months now.

3) The play rewrite. I have a workshop in August. So once I get out the two pieces of writing I need to complete to get considered for staffing, I need to focus on this play. This will be my first collaboration with the theatre company I'm now working with. And it's a play I'm excited to explore because I feel it will be a new template for the kind of work I want to do. It's bold and it's daring. It is pushing me further than I've pushed myself before. So I want it to start influencing the other work I do. Maybe it already has.

But this new attitude is thrilling. I don't feel like I'm fatigued. I feel energized. That's good for the middle of the year. Can't ask for more than that.

I am grateful for the energy I feel.
I am grateful for all of the documentaries I have been watching - research.
I am grateful for the way my mind needs to relax.
I am grateful that I am getting my strength back and getting ready to write another script.
I am grateful that the ideas flow.
I am grateful that my heart is open.

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