Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Mobile Studio

I might have talked about this before years ago, but I treat my creative work space as a studio rather than an office. I do a lot of work at the computer, but I like to have notecards out or white boards to brainstorm. I like the creative brainstorming that happens in my head to occur around me. I like standing up. Then I like sitting down. Then I like walking around. Then I like dancing to Beyonce.

I have to have a lot of chatter going on to figure shit out.

Right now, in my creative space, I have notecards out and I'm writing on them to figure out this new version of the pilot. I feel like I have to live in this world I'm trying to create for these characters so their actions and dialogue can feel like second nature to me as I'm writing. I like to have as many things fleshed out for me as possible.

I prefer to work on one thing at a time. That's not always the way the cookie crumbles. But I like to just be working on one writing project at a time. Now that might be one this week and one next week and another the week after. But more than one in the same time period feels impossible. It takes me a while for my brain to switch gears from one project to another. I finished a play rewrite this week and then I had to jump into working on this pilot and it took me a minute to get my brain to get into the world of the pilot.

Sometimes I have an unrealistic expectation of what I can handle. But thinking of my creative space as a studio some how feels more creative and more kinetic so that when I'm sitting down  at the computer to hammer some stuff out, it doesn't feel so heavy. It just feels like I'm filtering down.

I am grateful for the ideas in my head.
I am grateful for the time away.
I am grateful for projects not piling up on top of each other.
I am grateful for the sunshine.
I am grateful for index cards full of ideas.

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