Sunday, May 8, 2016

Prepping for a Getaway

Tomorrow I'm heading out of town for a little writer's retreat. I started this tradition for myself two years ago that I would get out of town for a week when I had time and too much work to get done in town. It's part of this philosophy that I've tried to adopt about being good to myself in the struggle to get work done.

I have four days in Vegas booked with a hotel room. I'm going to work out. I'm going to write. And I'm going to sleep. Those are my goals for myself. Relaxation is on the agenda as well. I've got HBO Now on my phone and I'm going to watch shows for inspiration.

I need some time away from my life in town. I got away last month to San Francisco to see some friends and to recharge. I'm planning on going back next month as well. But this is a different trip. This is about getting work done. It's about productivity and accomplishment. I have three scripts that I want to and need to finish this month. I'm hoping I can get them done.

  • Play - I finished Act One. I have to finish the whole thing by the time I get back. I have a crazy idea that I'm going to get a second wind after finishing Act One today and move onto Act Two and get that done before I leave. I'm sure that won't happen. But I don't want to spend the whole trip working on it. I want to finish it and move onto something else.
  • Pilot - I have this pilot rewrite to do that I'd also like to finish and turn into my manager this week. Staffing is a possibility and I'd like to make the effort to get it done and out the door. I need this deadline for the pilot because I'm not being pushed to finish with any sort of end date in mind. I'd like to show some effort and put myself in the best position to get hired to write on a show ASAP - if that's this staffing season or over the summer, that's fine with me. But I need to make that effort for myself and push myself.
  • Episode - I'm working on another episode of the show. I just finished another draft of the outline, so I'm not sure if I'll get notes back to work on the script. If I do, then I'll try to start. But I imagine that I'll have some extra time to get the script done, so this actually isn't as much of a priority for me as I expected it to be. I thought this week was going to be about the play and the episode. But now I feel like it's going to be about the play and the pilot. The episode has to get done this month because I have a strict deadline and I'm getting paid. 
I'm looking forward to the drive. I'm looking forward to being by myself - I haven't gone away and spent any significant time alone in a really long time. I'm always going to see family or visiting with friends. I get my alone moments. But I don't get any real alone time. This is a work trip. I've got my laptop. I've got my assignments. I'm ready to work.

This year so far has been amazing. I've done a lot and I've kept up for the most part with my goals. I think back to the Year of the Challenges gauntlet I threw down for myself. I've written a script every month this year so far. I thought I'd be able to get another draft of my other pilot done in March. That didn't happen. I've been sitting on an outline for awhile. But I know I've got my next project waiting for me once this month is over.

But new things have popped up that I didn't expect. I just pitched a web series - and I'm waiting to find out if we'll get to do that. I imagine if that happens, that will keep me busy for the rest of the year. Perhaps there's some teaching happening in the Fall. And I have a workshop of a new play happening over the summer. I couldn't be happier. I knew that if I left the rest of the year open, rocket ships would find a place to land. And so far, three have landed. I'm hoping to keep my launching pads open so that friendly ships can continue to come and bring me with them.

Adventures await! Riding the wave!

I am grateful for surprise opportunities.
I am grateful that I'm going to be working with a new theatre company.
I am grateful that my creative and work lives are co-existing.
I am grateful that I can go to Vegas and get away to get work done.
I am grateful that I get to see my godmother this week.
I am grateful that I took a nap today. I need the rest.

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