Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Today is better.
More productive.
Conversations about writing.  Writing.  Brainstorming.
It's hard to remember that every day is different and it won't feel like you're
winning every day.
I feel like I should be.  Because I have been given such great opportunities.
Because I am smart.
Because I went to NYU.
For some reason it feels ungrateful for me to be struggling so much with writing.
Like I'm some sort of machine.
But I'm not.
I'm human.
I struggle.
I have a hard time.

I was having a conversation with a friend today
and we were talking about the pilot he's writing and the struggle he's having
with figuring out what story he should tell.
He was uncertain,
And it made me feel less lonely.
Not that I'm happy for someone else to struggle.
But this guy is smart as hell
and he's someone I respect and he's struggling.
Like all of us do.
I guess I needed that sort of affirmation.
That knowledge that no matter what your pedigree
or background,
even if you've gone to an Ivy League school,
we all struggle.

It motivated me to keep working.
Because we're all in it together.

I am grateful for friends who are writers.
I am grateful for friends who are generous.
I am grateful for friends who are open and loving.
I am grateful for friends who are just themselves.

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